Heard It On The Radio

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A few days later, Y/N paces back and forth, playing scenarios in her head on how her talk with Taehyung will go. Willow watches her friend in distress. "Woah, what's up with the pacing? Are you expecting a delivery or something? "she worries.

"No, Willow I don't have any deliveries today," she insists. Willow pauses. "Then, were you looking more distressed than my Aunt Carine's dog meadow on a Saturday night when my aunty goes out to the club, wondering if she is going to leave treats for him and tempted by any new shoes she leaves unattended?" she says.

Y/N laughs, "No bitch, I am stressed out.". Willow stares, confused. "What's stressing you out?" she asks, concerned. Y/N sighs, "You know I am in multiple sticky situations."

Willow pauses. "And..." Willow asks, waiting for Y/N to continue speaking. Y/N scratches her head. "Well, I'm going to need you to sit down; a lot has happened," she says. Willow nods, signalling for Y/N to take a seat on the couches.

"Spill," says Willow, folding her legs. Y/N bites her nails. "So a lot of things went down, Well. I kind of cracked. I couldn't help but not resist the temptation presented in front of me, you know, Jungkook," she says, and Willow's eyes widen. "You didn't," she gasps, and Y/N covers her mouth before Willow can say another word, "it's not what it looks like."

"Y/N" Willow's brows furrow, concerned. "Err, we didn't have sex; we were about to on multiple occasions. One was at the hotel. Remember when you asked if anything had happened? I did tell the truth, but not the truth. Then at his house, I got tipsy, and one thing led to another, then didn't lead to another."

Willow's brows still rise while listening. "Then at the fake PR couples stunt house warming me and Tae, he snuck into the bathroom, and that's when shit happened," she confesses. Willow puffs, "Like what?".

"His hand's hands explored the cookie jar and may have taken a piece," she mutters, and Willow gasps. "Oh my gosh, now way, so that's where you really disappeared so he can play fiddle with your kitty, you nasty bitch.".

Y/N stays quiet. "There's more, right?" asks Willow, and Y/N nods. "What else did y'all do sixty-nine in the studio?" she guesses, and Y/N scratches. "No, sixty nine, but there was something that went down in Willow before I said, What happened? Imma, I need you to calm down."

"I am calm," says Willow. Y/N holds Willow's hands. "He went down," she attempts to say before Willow dramatically gasps. "Oh, so he ate you out." Willow stands up, hands on her temple. "You let him eat your kitty-kat girl," she continues.

Y/N nods, and Willow shakes her head. "Girl, for real, didn't you say old ass prune ass Neani and he are messing around, and she is possessive over him?" She makes a point about what Y/N had mentioned before. Y/N shrugs. "He says they ain't messing around, and he is not controlled by her. In short, he asked for us to get more serious," she expresses in a nonchalant tone.

"Sexually," Willow asks, and Y/N shakes her head. "Wils, he told me he liked me," she confesses, blushing. Willow stares at Y/N suspiciously. "Do you think he is being honest or just trying to hit?" she asks.

"Wills I not know which result? I think I'll be able to bounce back. I like him too, but I don't want to put my heart on my sleeve and get played." She weighs her options, and Willow raises her brows, agreeing.

"So since he confessed, I kind of said I was down. He wants me to cut all options off and just focus on him," says Y/N Willow, interrupting. "Don't do it; don't cut off your options for one man. How do you know he has cut off all his? It's too early to place all your baskets on one person," she warns and consoles her friend.

"Really, I was going to have a chat with Yoongi and Tae," she says, and Willow shakes her head. "Don't get rid of them two just yet; like I said, it is a too early friend, "she advises, and Y/N nods. "Yeah, you are right, thanks. I will wait to hold on; it's Tae," she says, picking up the phone.

Willow resumes going back on her phone, waiting for her friend to finish her phone call. Y/N hangs up. "Sorry Willow, I've got to go to Tae's downstairs; he wants to hang out since we both have free schedules. I forgot about us two hanging out since I was stressed out," she says.

Willow smiles and says, "Have fun, girl; you know I got a date tonight. Will we date  no, but will he pay for my meal and outfits, fuck yeah?" She says, and Y/N chuckles, "I am so done with you.".

Willow shrugs. Y/N heads down to meet meet Taehyung. Taehyung honks his car to get her attention. Y/N waves, waking towards him. Taehyung gets out of his car to open the door for her. "Hey, Y/N," he greets her.

Y/N kisses his cheek, and he grins. "I wouldn't mind being greeted like this more often," says Taehyung, and she grins. "Isn't it nice to try things? "she says, entering the car. Taehyung grins, closing her door.

Entering his car, he starts up the car. "So you are probably wondering what we are going to do hanging out, and I will love for you to come to hear out the music I am working on. Then I have a surprise for you," he informs her.

"So we are going to the studio to hear your music for your upcoming album, right?" She curiously asks, and he nods. "Is this because I am your fake girlfriend and I am getting privileges?" She jokes, and Taehyung smiles. "Come here," he says, signalling for her to lean closer.

Y/n looks at Taehyung, her eyes captured by the essence of the man presented in front of her, and they make out in the car as Y/n takes Willow's advice, feeling no regrets. Taehyung breaks the kiss. "To the studio we go," he expresses with enthusiasm, driving off.

Y/N decides to turn on the radio. "You are now listening to the breakfast club coming with a new entry from the Hottest Thee Jungkook and Siyeon ex-members of disbanded group Siren's new Track Only Night," the presenter Charlamagne says.

Taehyung looks at Y/N, who frowns and is annoyed. "We can change if you want to," he says, and Y/N stops him. "It's fine; I want to hear the song I wrote and got scammed by Prune ass pussy Neani," she says, and Taehyung bursts out laughing.

Y/N raises the volume as she hears the beat. "They changed the style genre; it's sound like they went with the pop approach, "she says.

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