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'I didn't think I had it in me to fly through a blizzard that fast' I thought. The first feasible thing that had gone through my head in the past half an hour. I found myself slumped against my door; my face salted with tears. My wings are practically frozen together like two popsicles. I slammed them against the door until the ice shattered. Relaxing my wings, they spread out across the full length of the door. I stared at my ringless hand; I hadn't paid any attention to that ring in years, it'd felt like second nature to always have it on. Now that it's gone, there's nothing left I have of Jimmy (except his hoodie but whatever).

"Scott can we please talk?" Fawn called from the other side of the door. "There's nothing to talk about" I said flatly. "Can I come in?" she asked as if not hearing me before. "No there's nothing to talk about".

Like the stubborn headed person she is, she teleported into my room. "Imma shatter that staff into a million pieces" I mumbled. "You better not" Fawn scolded. "Just leave me be Fawn" I groaned, ducking past her and diving under my covers. My heart sank a little further into my stomach as I heard her give a tired sigh.

"Why are you so hard on yourself?".

"What do you mean?" I asked. There was so much worry in his soft brown eyes. "It's not your fault, your brother's a demonic mass murderer" he said. "For the last bloody time, there's no such things as demons" Joel yelled.

The Mezealen king was standing down at the bottom of the huge smoking crater in front of us. Soot had settled all over his colourful attire. "Oh shut up Joel you muppet" Jimmy snapped at him. "It's true no such things as demons, I haven't seen a demon with my own eyes" Joel retaliated. "Well how do you explain the huge crater you're standing in?!" Jimmy asked sarcastically. Joel opened his mouth to protest but closed it again. "I thought not". Joel rolled his eyes and stormed off to hopefully do important things that weren't sulking.

"Now I was saying..."

"...You shouldn't be so hard on yourself". I poked my head from under my covers. "You can't help your powers; you can't help what Jimmy did" she continued. A long silence followed; she wanted me to talk now. "He pretended to be nice to me or maybe he was actually being nice and I was awful then he started being awful" I blurted out. "And I know shouldn't care but it hurt so much, I- I guess a small part of me hoped that things were the same as they were before".

Fawn gave another sigh. "Sometimes Scott you're a bit of an idiot" she groaned. "Excuse me..." I started. "You're still in love with him you muppet!" she cut in. "I'm n-not in love with him!!" I protested though the uncertainty was very clear in my voice. "Even a five-year-old could see the obvious and for all we know he could still be in love with you considering he saved you when I couldn't" Fawn spat.

"What was between us is over Fawn" I mumbled. "You wore the ring for all these bloody years and don't give me a stupid excuse that it was 'frozen on your finger'" she pointed out. "But it was!" I lied. "Then how did Jimmy take it off with ease?!" she asked. "It had started to melt" I said sheepishly. "You and I both know for a fact that your ice is unmeltable" she snapped.

"JUST SHUT UP!!!" I yelled. Frost scaled the walls and windows like poison ivy, the windows even cracking under the weight. The silence that followed was almost deafening. "I apologize your majesty" Fawn muttered before quickly scurrying out of the room. Guilt hit me like a bag of bricks as soon as she was gone.

I reached into my drawer for my pocketknife to find it gone. "Of course she stole it". I screamed into my pillows for good 15 minutes. "Why can't I just die right now?" ...

... "Because I won't let you" Sausage whispered back.

"She's been glaring at us the entire meeting" I whispered nodding over at Gem who was sat arms crossed and boring holes through our souls. "So we all agree that the pirates next target is most likely the Grimlands or the Crystal cliffs?" Joel spoke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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