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I took my hood off my head once I was through the gates of my mansion. Was I potentially risking my life by going on walks through the capital? Yes. Were they relaxing though? Also yes. Sure the front gardens were nice but I wanted that adrenaline rush from the rough of the streets.

I came across a puddle and stopped to look at my reflection. The blue streak in my hair was so faded and it looked horrible. I need to ask Gem to dye it again.

I heard the sound of leaves crunching and I immediately grabbed my crossbow from belt. "Calm down". Sausage came out of the bushes with his hands up. "Sausage you scared me" I sighed putting my crossbow back. "Really? Well does this scare you?" he said picking me up and spinning round. "Sausage noooo!!" I shrieked.

I was half laughing as I said it, so he took that as an opportunity to spin faster. I hung onto me so hard, I swear my nails were piercing through his back. He finally stopped and put me down but I still clung onto him.

"Did it scare you?" he asked. "Oh shut up" I mumbled. He snickered at what Gem would call 'my silent tantrum'. I pulled away from him, determined to not make it look like he'd won.

"I never did get a kiss" he said tapping his cheek. Instead I pecked his lips. Technically I didn't do what he wanted. "Oh I see, you're still mad at me. Okay I'll go" he said turning on his heel. "No don't go" I quickly said.

Hr turned back to look at me and his face said what he wanted. "Fine" I sighed. He quickly ran towards me and threw me over his shoulder. "I better not fall" I said firmly. "Do I ever let you fall?" he asked sarcastically.

Is sitting down and doing paperwork that could benefit your kingdom important? Yes. Is letting your boyfriend throw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and run through the front gardens also just as important? No. But is it fun? Yes. Mostly for him? Yes.

I am currently shrieking and laughing from both fear and amusement like a little girl as he speeds through the rows of hedges. I slowly tightened my grip on his cape as we kept running. "Okay Sausage I'm getting sick now".

He stopped and put me down. He was very fast cuz we were standing in the centre of the gardens. "Shortie" he smirked. I growled and tackled him to the ground.

"You're a fierce one" Sausage drawled. He tucked my loose strands of hair behind my ear. "That's why I'm drawn to you" he whispered. My heart started beating a little too fast for my liking. "Not right now Sausage" I muttered getting off him. "At least lie next to me" he whined.

I groaned but lay down in the grass next to him. After a few minutes, I found myself wrapped in his arms. I wish I could stop acting so weak around him.

"Fwhip?". "Hmm". "When are we gonna tell Gem?". I bit on my bottom lip, I don't wanna answer that question. "I mean its been 3 months now and I think she deserves to know at this point" he explained.

"I don't know how she'll react to.... us" I muttered. "It can't be that bad". "That's the thing, normally I know how Gem gonna react to something but now I don't". "In other words, you need some time?". "Yes I need some time". "That's okay".

I shuffled closer to him and closed my eyes. All I could hear was the water flowing from the fountain. So calming, like it could wash all my problems away.....

....But it's not.

I reached out and turned off the shower tap. I sat there on the shower floor for a little longer. Every time I try, it doesn't work. I got up and shook my wings dry. Leaving a trail of frozen puddles behind me, I dragged myself into my room.

I flung open my wardrobe and stared at the mass of blues, golds and white everywhere. I ignored all of it and picked Jimmy's green hoodie hidden in a corner. There was really no point in keeping it, guess I love carrying round emotional baggage.

Vengeance: An Esmp AuWhere stories live. Discover now