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"That's three bloody times now" Shrub whined as we entered the Tay Mansion. "Why have we been treating this like a joke?" Katherine asked. "One of those times Calico left in plot holes for filler chapters" Fawn said flatly. "Who?" I asked. "Calico?... CalicoQuartzs? The one that makes all this stuff happen?". "Do you need to sit down Fawn?" Scott asked concerned. "No I don't.... maybe I do... I don't even know who Calico Quartzs is".

"That's strange of you" Gem said. Lord knows wherever Gem was leading us to. Even she didn't seem to know considering she stopped to ask where Fwhip was. "He's in the lounge on the right wing". "Thank you and get me scroll and quill" Gem said. We just followed her around like lost puppies.

I glanced down at Scott who was still leaning on me. He'd cut his finger... again. Without warning, I yanked the ring off his finger. "Hey" he protested weakly. "I'm not going stand here and watch you harm yourself" I said loud enough for hopefully Fawn to hear. And hear she did because she was at our side in seconds (maybe less).

"What are you guys talking about?" she asked, to be honest more of a quiet demand than a question. "Nothing" Scott lied quickly. "Scott's cutting himself with my ring" I answered. "Your?... you gave that to me" he protested. The argument was quiet enough that the others had continued walking on.

"No I gave it to you when I proposed, as of now I don't even know if we're still together and know what?! Get off me" I spat pushing him away. The others were long gone now. "You're not being fair; it was a gift" Scott retaliated. "The past 2 weeks is the only time I've seen you in SIX years and you've been a b!+(# throughout that". "Watch it, he's not a b!+(#" Fawn spat.

Scott's gaze had hardened and frost started to creep up the walls. "Oh no I've angered Ice boy, go on, kill me like the cold-blooded killer you are" I hissed. "Watch where you're stepping scaly" Fawn growled pointing her staff at me.

"Oh I'm watching where I'm going, guess you weren't when you were almost frozen alive". Fawn's face dropped and she backed away. "The white hair was a massive giveaway and the sudden disappearance of some of Katherine's antidote a few months ago" I added. "It was an accident" Scott croaked. "Aww has the wild wolf lost his bite and his bark?" I said in a sugar-coated voice. "Pathetic". Before either could say anything, I turned on my heel and stormed away.

Quite conveniently, Katherine had left a trail of blood for me to follow. (Not that it's a good thing she's bleeding). A small... well average sized ball of guilt sat in my stomach. "No... I'm right, I'm being completely fair" I assured myself. But another voice whispered ever so quietly 'Are you being fair?'.

My insides seemed to be tied in so many knots. What is fair or not fair? My question was responded with a scream from Gem "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!". I sprinted down the corridors; Lord knows what Gem was screaming about. The blood trail came to a stop in front of an open set of doors and into a room. In which Sausage was backed up against a wall, amethyst shards lodged in his neck and shoulder. Fwhip desperately holding Gem down while she tried to claw at Joel who had confiscated her staff somehow.

"Uncle Jimmy!" Vythis squealed rushing to hug me. "What's going on?" I asked as I hugged my niece. "Sausage attacked Fwhip! Can you see the huge bruise on his neck?!" Gem yelled. "Oi! Calm down Gem, you're acting more childish than my kids and I have three daughters no older than six" Joel snapped. Guess parenthood teaches one the ability to effectively disarm people.

"I'm being childish?! Look at his neck!" Gem protested. The bruise in question was a huge dark blue and green splotch that actually looked really bad. "Oooh do you need an ice pack there Fwhip?" I asked half sarcastically. Ironically Scott and Fawn appeared in the doorway seconds after I said that.

"GIVE ME MY STAFF BACK!!" Gem shrieked breaking out of Fwhip's grip and lunging at Joel. I quickly rushed over to hold her back. Joel was very much unphased and still gripped onto the staff. "LET GO OF ME JIMMY!" she threatened, sourcing an amethyst dagger from cod knows where. Scott shot a small ice shard knocking the dagger out of her hand.

"Gem I just fell over I swear" Fwhip pleaded. "No! Don't defend him, we all literally heard you say and I quote 'Look at this huge a$& bruise you've given me Sausage'. That came from your mouth" Gem retorted, glowering daggers at poor Sausage who I could tell was holding back tears as Katherine and Shrub pulled the shards out.

"You were always hell bent on your opinion" Scott muttered. "Shut up Ice Boy this doesn't concern you" Gem spat. "Even the victim of this situation is asking you to stop but you're so focused on your opinion" Scott retaliated. "At least I care about people important to me and don't ditch them for six years!".

"You cause problems where there little or none! You got frozen because you pushed me too far and the entire continent went into war against me and did even once say that it was you who was pushing?!". "No you didn't, not until so much damage had been done" he snapped before she could say anything else.

"I tried to say something, Fwhip just kept insisting" Gem protested. I let go of her as she seemed to be more focused on Scott than Joel. "And what are you doing now?!" Scott asked. Gem's eyes widened as though only releasing. "In Fwhip's case I get it, I almost froze you to death but now it's just a stupid bruise and you're attacking at everyone trying to calm you down".

"I-I... At least I don't freeze every single thing in sight, at least I don't break people's hearts, at least I don't suddenly disappear for...". Her attempt to still defend herself was cut off by Scott's scream. "AT LEAST I DON'T MEAN TO HURT ANYONE YOU HEARTLESS SOUL!!"

There was a matter of split seconds where I could see Joel sprinting over to Vythis, Fawn backing up in fear, Sausage pulling Fwhip back to where Katherine and Shubble were before the entire room burst into a bright light. I'm swept right off my feet and into a wall. I could hear the ice spikes forcing themselves out of the ground.

The quakes slowly come to a stop. "I've done it again... I'm a f*(/!^& monster" I heard Scott croak. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...". The apologies slowly fade out. He's probably run off.

I slowly sit up, my head pounding. Frostbite scars rested all over my right arm. The normally straight-faced Fawn was huddled in a far corner, her hands wrapped over her head and tears flooding her emerald eyes. Gem was in muddled heap next to me, semi-conscious. Katherine and Shrub were holding onto each other for dear life. Sausage was giving Fwhip mouth to mouth. Poor little Vythis slowly emerged from behind the door, fear etched into her normally happy features.

"Daddy... where are you?" she called. "Yeah... where is Joel?" Katherine asked. Leaning onto the wall for support, I stood up trying not to slip on the now icy floors. Joel had been sent flying into the opposite room, sprawled out on the floor and still holding on to Gem's staff. His green streak was slowly fading to white meaning that.

"Katherine, I think..." I started. "I'm on it" she said already up on her feet and on her way over to Joel. Vythis followed her and I could see the tears forming in her eyes. Fwhip was thankfully at least gasping for air. Gem still remained in her halfway state at my feet. I crouched down and helped her sit up so she could breathe better. I threw a glance towards Fawn's direction to find her... unsurprisingly not there.

Gem sent silent daggers in Fwhip and Sausage's direction. As soon as she had enough energy, I could tell she'd be on their case. 



angst go brrr

(yes I stole Fanfic's line)

and yes only one POV today, I couldn't be bothered

If there are any errors then pls point them out 

See ya cool peeps ;3

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