06 - Stifling Growth

Start from the beginning

Not fast enough.

Dust rocketed from the ground as the vine writhed after its target. More sand filled the air as Aizen was slammed into the ground and knocked the wind from his lungs. The vine coiled and lifted its prize high into the air, proud of its accomplishment, before another snap of Nallundra's fingers sent him tumbling down.

"You were doing so well. I'll give you a second before we keep going," Hardly had he risen to his feet when the vine resumed its chase. "Or not."

Nallundra grinned with malevolence as she watched the Shinigami run to escape the ceaseless greenery nipping at his heels. Evidence amounted; this was a failing task. Each step drew the pursuer closer. Running as fast as he could would not put any distance between the vine and himself. At this speed, it was inevitable that he would be caught again.


Aizen gathered his spiritual pressure at his feet as he continued to evade the would-be captor. When enough reiatsu collected at his feet he lurched forward with a resonating whoosh that echoed across the field. He moved with such speed that he was nearly imperceivable.

"So you do know Shunpo! I was getting a bit worried that I would have to try to explain it, and I am not sure I could. Sonido and Shunpo are not exactly the same, you know." Nallundra said.

"That,"–He dodged another slam–"was the first time I have ever used that technique."

"In any case, I am going to speed it up some more. I'm sure you'll be fine."

The words barely escaped her mouth before the unyielding plant barrelled towards the white-clad Shinigami. He narrowly dodged the swing of the vine by rolling underneath, its momentum carried it too far for it to turn fast enough to capture him. Running oposite, Aizen collected more reiatsu at his feet and sprinted forward with an echoing woosh. In its greed, the tendril faltered as its target evaded, colliding with the stone lamp on the far side of the field. Crystalline stone tore into the mountainside and the orb of light exploded in a flash of light as it shattered against the wall of stone.

This game of cat and mouse continued until the Shinigami tired.

No longer able to continue dodging, breathless in his escape, Aizen drew his Zanpakuto. The plant rushed ever forward. It reached the Shinigami and met the reiatsu-sharpened steel of his blade. Recoiling from the strike, the vine rose to its full height as though in pain; its disconnected top writhed on the floor.

"Oh! That was a bad idea," Nallundra said, a sneer within her eyes. Two coils sprouted from the even wound, forking outwards and rocketed towards its target. Both extended out to grab their target, but turned into a glittering dust with a snap from the pink-haired Hollow.

"Time's up! Or at least, I'm calling it now, considering the lantern was destroyed."

Aizen leaned over and struggled to sheathe his Zanpakuto, gasping for breath. Blood ran down his left arm, staining the sleeve of his white kosode. A crystalline shard had embedded itself into his bicep during the destruction of the lantern. He gritted his teeth and pulled out the offending rock. In its absence it left a hole in his bicep, bone visible beneath. Nallundra paid him no mind, already facing the path leading through the building and to the field. Two figures walked down the path, one facing forward, the other looking to their companion. Koukou and Bylosse arrived at the shaded field of sand.

"Hello, Nallundra, Aizen. It seems training is going well," Koukou tilted her head to the side. What little expression could be read from the exposed lower-half of her face was flat, but with a hint of intrigue.

"Yes, we were just finishing up," Nallundra replied.

"You two didn't make it to breakfast today, and I don't see you carrying any food, Nal," Bylosse said. He stood with a closed posture and a serious expression.

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