A Whisper

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Etho's Perspective-

"Bubbles, you know I won't judge you for anything you do or say, right? Sure, I think it's funny and stupid, but- "

"That's judging me!" Bdubs shouted and Etho laughed.

"What I'm saying," Etho said, patting Bdubs's head to try and calm him down, "is that you'll always be my friend."

Bdubs blushed as he whispered,
"I love you."


"You- what'd you say?" Etho asked, though he heard what Bdubs had said.

"I- ..." Bdubs froze up and took a deep breath.

"I really like you, Etho. And I- "

"Why?" Etho asked, interrupting Bdubs.

Bdubs blinked, "W-why?"

"Why do you like me? What's so special about...me?"

Bdubs lightly giggled, "Well, you're so caring and funny and you'll always listen to me and what I have to say, stupid or not. And...well you've been really helpful recently, especially since I've been needing someone to lean on since my family's kind of fallen apart."

"And I just- you're so amazing." Bdubs finished.

Etho blinked.

"Are you...gonna say anything?"

"I- I have to go."

And Etho sped away.

Pammy's Perspective-

"Hello?" Pammy answered her phone.

"Pammy, I need your help."

"Nice to talk to you too, Etho." Pammy said, rolling her eyes.

"Now is not the time for jokes."

"Jeez, I'm sorry, chill out."

"So what's up?" Pammy asked, "And make it quick, I gotta go to a tennis lesson in a couple of minutes."

"Bdubs likes me." Etho said.

"Ohhh," Pammy nodded, understanding, "This is the boy you like, correct?"


"I don't see what the problem is, just tell him that you like hi- "

"I ran away."



"What?! I panicked!"

"You can't just run away!"

"Oh yeah? And what would you do if a pretty girl told you that they liked you?"

"Ask them out."

Etho scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I can't believe you actually did this Etho." Pammy said, sighing.

"I'm sorry, alright!"

Pammy giggled, "It's alright. Just listen carefully, I gotta go soon."

Etho nodded.

"What you need to do is call Bdubs and explain to him that you panicked and actually really liked him back. And do it soon, because the later you wait, the worse it gets. Trust me."


"Great, good luck!"

And Pammy hung up.

Etho's Perspective-

I took a deep breath and my hands clutched tightly onto my phone.

Just gotta call Bdubs.

I scrolled down to Bdubs's name and stared at it, not moving.

Do it. Just call him.

I took a deep breath and moved my finger, bracing for impact as I called him.

"Hello?" Bdubs answered.

"Uh- h-hey, Bdubs!"

"Oh, hey Etho!" Bdubs said, embarrassed. It was like you could hear how red his face got, "What's up?"

"I- I just wanted to talk about earlier."

"O-oh. What about it?"

I took another deep breath.

I didn't know why I was so nervous. I already knew Bdubs liked me.

But...I couldn't help but get a little scared.

"So...well, first I wanna apologize about running off like that."

"No, it's fine! I- I get it."

"No, it was stupid. Especially since I like you back."


"I- I'm sorry?" Bdubs stuttered.

"I like you, Bdubs. I just got really embarrassed back there."

"I- "

"Etho, dear, who're you talking to?"

Etho turned around and saw his mother standing in the doorframe.

"Oh- just a friend." Etho smiled, "Is dinner ready?"

His mother nodded and left.

"Sorry, Bdubs, I gotta go."

"Just a friend?" Bdubs repeated, "Etho, you can tell me the truth, if you don't like me bac- "

"No, no, Bdubs I do, it's just..." Etho sighed, "My dad's super homophobic, and I'm not really sure what my mom is. Either way, they can't know that we're dating."

"O-oh, okay. So...you're not just dating me because I like you?"

"No, I would never."

Bdubs smiled, "Good, you worried me."

"Etho! You coming?" Etho's mother called.

"Ah! Now I really gotta go."

"Okay! See you this weekend at my birthday party!"

"Okay, bye!"


Sorry if it seems like Etho's and Bdubs's relationship was rushed into, I really tried for that not to happen. But look I need them to be together to cause some sweet angst >:)

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