Chapter 44 - A Tentative Truce

Start from the beginning

The mother considered it for a moment. Her eyes darted to the blood in Zoe's hair. "Sounds to me like you don't trust these Elites much, either."

Zoe gave her a wry smile. "Let's just say we'll be keeping a close eye on how certain individuals are running things around here from now on."

After a few more minutes reassuring the parents, Athira and Zoe said their goodbyes and were finally escorted to an Elite rover that'd take them back to Indigo base.

Once they were buckled into their seats, Zoe reached over and gave Athira's hand a squeeze. She didn't say anything — she didn't need to — and Athira returned the gesture with a tired, lopsided smile.

Zoe tapped two fingers to the side of her face beside her eyes. I'll keep watch.

Athira nodded, and the last thing she remembered was the back of her head hitting the headrest before she fell asleep.


Athira woke up in her bed.

She laid there for a moment, staring at the sunlight that peeked in beneath the curtains. According to the clock on her side table, it was morning, but it didn't feel like a morning. Mornings were exhausting, tiring things that she often met reluctantly with squinted eyes, but right now, for the first time in a long time, she just felt... rested.

Athira sat up slowly, taking her time to stretch out her arms. The sight of them bare caught her off guard. She ran a hand over the skin, half expecting to blink and find the familiar Blue runes there once more.

She wasn't sure how she felt about their absence. They'd been a crutch, a safety net for so long she'd grown used to them and the pain they caused in warning, yet without them, she'd accomplished something she never thought possible.

She'd beaten Rathe — at least for now.

The thought sent a shiver through her, and rubbing her arms against it, Athira slid out of bed and wandered into the bathroom.

After a lengthy, warm shower, Athira made her way down the stairs. There was no one in the common room or the kitchen as Athira headed to the pantry and, after some consideration, took one of Zoe's OmNom bars. She cringed as she unwrapped it, the sound almost deafening in the unusual quiet she found herself surrounded by — not just in the base, but in her head.

It was an odd experience to have her mind to herself. Even on the days where Rathe had been quieter, Talon had always been there, his presence a constant in the back of her head, even when she hadn't been able to hear him directly. She kept expecting it, only for the guilt to crash into her all over again.

Athira leaned on the counter, doing her best to savour the OmNom bar.

She was certain she'd felt Talon for a brief moment when the Black had turned to feathers and opened the way. Somehow, Talon had answered her call, and while she didn't know exactly what that meant, it gave her hope that he wasn't gone for good despite the missing amulet.

A sound from the stairwell caught Athira's attention. OmNom bar still in hand, she walked over to the kitchen doorway and found Talia coming down the stairs, carrying a suitcase in either hand like a set of weights with ease. She wore a casual outfit that could be described as pretty, something Athira hadn't realised Talia owned. She'd never seen her outside her Keeper suit or training clothes.

Their eyes met through the glass of the stairwell doors for a moment before Talia's mouth set in a firm line. She put down the suitcases and opened the door, but instead of approaching Athira, Talia headed into one of the side rooms without a word.

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