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Scott rushed over to the house as fast and soon as he could after the harrowing experience he had in the boys locker he slams the front door open out of breath he rushed out his words "where is he?".

He sees Cheyenne sitting utterly exhausted with her head in her hands as Vernon rubs her back comforting way he jerks his head upstairs and he rushes up there when he gets Oscar's room he stops dead in his tracks of what he sees on the double bed.

He inches slowly to him as if scared he could wake him up when he gets closer he eases himself onto the bed he tentatively grabs hold of his firm warm hand into his rubbing small circles with his thumb, he gets a better look at Oscar and sees a firm bandage around his bicep his body covered in sweat and on more pale then he usually is.

Scott feels him stir awake that gets him to move closer putting his hand on Oscar's cheek "Hey, hey it's just me", Oscar flutters his eye's open vision blurred but clears up seeing Scott in his view he tries to give a smile "Hey Scotty".

He tries to sit himself up but grunts in anguish Scott ushering him back to lie down "don't sit up too fast what happened anyway?".

Oscar looks at him warily, "I have a feeling you know what happened tonight" Scott reluctantly bobs his head "yeah I've got a hunch".

Oscar gives out a groan of frustration planting his head on his shoulder "does the universe have it in for us or what?" And jokingly fakes sobs into his shoulder that gets Scott to let out a small laugh he gently grabs him by the shoulders and puts Oscar eye to eye they stare blissfully into each others eyes.

Scott smiles and makes the first move leans in planting his lips firmly yet soft at the same time to his soft plump skin.

Oscar puts one hand around his neck tugs him desperately deeper into the kiss they start getting more handsy as Scott slowly puts Oscar back onto the bed he messily takes off his clothes and starts kissing down Oscar's neck, he can hear the puffs of air leaving his mouth he can feel Oscar's fingers grip tighter on his shoulders knowing it'll leave a bruise even though it'll heal later on, if you asked him even a year ago if he was gay he would've immediately said no but after everything that's happened to both him and Oscar finding out about the supernatural world and quiet possibly as cheesy as it sounds found the love of his life even though he dated Allison although briefly he knew deep down he had feelings for Oscar, he keeps questioning how he ended up with someone or bonded in there case to someone like him.

By accident his hand brushes against wound on his arm that got him to hiss in pain and that puts a stop to the hot and heavy session that was about to get even more frisky.

Scott immediately pulls back starts stumbling out his words "Shit I'm so sorry I didn't hurt you did I?!-" Oscar places a soft sweet kiss on his lips differently to the one they were giving each other just mere moments ago "I'm fine, it'll take longer for this too heal since it's concentrated seaweed in a bullet".

He tries to sit himself up but gives grunts of pain he holds out his arm "Help me out here?". Scott guides him and carefully down the stairs that gets the residents down stairs to perk up Cheyenne immediately rushes over to her son carefully giving him a bear hug she pulls back and smothers him in kisses which he tries to pull away from "mom, mom stop I'm fine I'm ok".

He takes his time shuffling his feet over to the couch and sits down when he does Stiles softly pats his back "Glad your doing ok freakin horrible of I just had to go through" They all roll there eyes at the slight dramatics Vernon crosses his arms giving a stern look towards Scott and puts on a tone that you better answer to it "Now I think it's high time you tell everyone of what's going on out there".

Scott takes a breath "Jackson wants to be one of us.." all three Barnes look at each other quizzical Cheyenne in a soft voice, "In what way does that imply to us?" Scott, "It means he wants the bite of a werewolf and if I don't pay up..his gonna out us to the hunters".

Kakó: Discord Book 1 (Scott X Male Oc) Where stories live. Discover now