Pack Mentality

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In Scotts dream, since admitting his feelings for Oscar, Scott and Allison have decided to break up but that doesn't stop them from being friends at all, Scott drags her out of a school dance by the wrist and goes inside the bus.

Allison "where are you taking me?" Scott just drags her inside "I just need someone to talk to about you know who" she nods in understanding "uh huh I see" just as they sit down they see a huge shadow wash over them blocking out any lights Allison: "what was that?" As she goes over to Scott who puts her behind him the shadow comes over from behind once again but this time with a familiar taunting laugh that Scott recognised immediately he mumbles in uncertainty "Oscar?".

But she hears him and whips her head around "what?!" But then the window shatters all around them and they duck to take cover as they cover their ears because the cause of the shatter was an ear exploding screech.

Then an arm or something comes flying towards Allison out of nowhere and grabs her by the ankle she screams in fright and looks to see what grabbed her and sees three digit but skinless fingers with long bone like nails coming out and breaking her skin, the arm starts dragging her she starts screaming again and tries to to grab onto to something and Scott tries to help but is losing grip fast, and they hear the laugh again along with a familiar horse neigh like roar.

He feels nothing but hot air and that makes him lose his grip but not because of the heat but also the putrid smell because of this the arm snaps back towards the owner the last thing Scott sees is Allison desperately reaching out her hand in fright and the glow of blood red eyes and black sclera the neck stretching racing towards him with the mouth wide open! Scott screams and tries to protect himself.

Its the next morning and Scott is telling Stiles the dream or might as we call it a nightmare as they walk, Stiles: "so he killed her and nearly killed you in this instance ?" Scott: "that's the thing, I woke up before he could and me being stupid I tried calling him or texting him but of course wouldn't answer."

Stiles rolls his eyes "maybe it's because you woke up in the middle of night and don't want to deal with your stupidity" Scott just frowns "C'mon man, I'm serious I've never had a dream that real before", Stiles: "really? I have usually ends definitely though".

Scott: "A" I mean I've never had a dream that felt that real, and "B," never give me that much detail about you in bed again.Ever."

Stiles: "Noted. Let me take a guess here-" he puts a stop to that, Scott: "No, I know, you think it has something to do with me gonna try and ask Oscar if he wants to like I don't know teach me horse riding lessons? Or something".

Stiles raises a brow at that and looks at him in doubt "riding lessons seriously? you know Hades isn't gonna like you even more now that you're a werewolf and that's saying a lot" Scott just ruffles his hair in annoyance "whatever I'll think of something, I don't know if I should be more worried about Oscar's Situation of how he's handling his shifting or if I'm gonna be ripping out Allison's throat or worse someone else's".

Continuing on heading towards the outside of the school, Stiles: "No, of course not. Yeah, that's totally it. Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine, all right? Personally, I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly. You know, it's not like there's a lycanthropy for beginners class you can take."

Scott: "Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher."

Stiles : "Who, Derek? You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?No,no,no what about Oscar's dad,Vernon, he might know about this sorta stuff since his kid and his kids horse turn into a demon of nightmare horror."

Scott nods: "yeah maybe,but just him chasing us and taking her and possibly nearly eating me felt so real."
Stiles: "How real?".

Just as they reach outside they see the bus, But the back door is completely broken off its hinges, glass shattered all over the place and what's even more worse than the blood everywhere, is the three distinct claw marks going clean through the metal. Both of their jaws dropped at the sight of the destruction.

Kakó: Discord Book 1 (Scott X Male Oc) Where stories live. Discover now