Wolf moon

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Authors note: since I'm basing my character on the malevolent nuckelavee and I did some research and considering it's supposed to be a bloodthirsty demon I've decided to modernise the myth for this story and it will have bits of the original myth for my character I've got big ideas for future plots 😈 and I know this is gonna be repetitive at the start but I'm still new to this but I'll do my best to add my own spin off also the Shire horse is what Hades Oscar's horse will look like

It was a foggy night and the moon was at its waning gibbous phase that night with deputies and the dog squad patrolling the forest, meanwhile a while away from the preserve a young man was setting up his lacrosse gear and training hoping to get first line but as he was getting ready to go to bed he heard a creek outside his window.

With a wooden bat in hand he cautiously creeps outside but another teenage boy comes hanging down from the veranda up above by his feet they both scream

Scott "What the hell are you doing?!"  Stiles replied "you weren't answering your phone!,why do you have a bat?!" Pointing directly at Scott "I thought you were a predator?!" Stiles scoffs in disbelief "ok whatever, I know it's late but I saw my dad leave 20 mins ago dispatch called and they're bringing every policeman in the beacon department and even state police".

Scott "for what?" Stiles replied while trying to get down "two joggers found a body in the woods" Scott replies in disbelief "A dead body?!" Stiles looks like he just grew two heads "no a body of water, Yes you idiot a dead body!" With a voice filled with sarcasm.

Scott: "Was it murder?"  Stiles: "no one knows yet but they're all suspecting murder a young woman most likely in her twenties" Scott interrupts: "Hold on if they already found the body what are they looking for?" Stiles gives a mischievous grin "that's the best part..they only found half~". Scott's eyes widened in disbelief Stiles: "we're going"

They pulled up at the beacon hills reserve Scott : "are we seriously doing this?" Stiles looks at Scott with slight annoyance "are you serious you're the one always bitching nothing happens around here".
Scott "I was trying to get a good night's sleep for practice tomorrow" Stiles scoffs a little "right just sitting on the bench is such a freaking effort"

Scott replies with confidence "no but I'm gonna be playing this year fact is I'm making first line". Stiles replies with false optimism "hey that's the spirit everyone should have a dream even if an unrealistic one".

Just when they make progress they hear a loud neigh across the preserve they look around in disbelief Stiles asks a few octaves "is that a freakin horse?!"  Scott: "What the hell is a horse doing around here at this time of night?".

They hear clopping of heavy hooves hitting grass they both tense and stay still but after a minute the hooves go a different direction but not without another loud neigh but this time along with a loud cackling laugh just to be sure there's nothing going in there direction they continue to head forward Stiles releases a sigh of relief "well that wasn't creepy and terrifying"

Scott says with caution "you think that was the killer?" Stiles raises his eyebrows "huh didn't think of that" Scott asks another question with sarcasm "and what part of the body are we trying to find?"Stiles repeats the same answer Scott asks an important question "and what if that person who was with the horse and laughing the guy who killed the woman and is following us right now?".

Now stiles is worried "I also did not think that" they start struggling climbing up the hill but mostly Scott who is struggling since he has very bad asthma "it's comforting that you pay attention to every detail, maybe the guy with the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight" he brings out his inhaler and takes a breath when they reach the top of the hill they see lights and quickly duck down Stiles brining Scott with them.

Kakó: Discord Book 1 (Scott X Male Oc) Where stories live. Discover now