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April 16th, 2015

Alexandra POV

It's been six months since my spontaneous trip back to Los Angeles. I've texted Lizzie occasionally, but we've also both been mad busy.

So it's kind of hard to really be able to have a decent conversation.

I was relaxing in bed while trying to figure out what I should go to do today.

I could go to Leighton's or I could just lay here in bed all day and watch movies. I might as well just take a day of lounging around.

I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my remote before turning on my tv. I opened Netflix to try to find a movie.

Nothing was screaming, "Watch Me".

So I decided to give the Full House reboot a shot. I had heard okay things about the show.

I loved Full House as a kid, and when I tell you that I lost my mind the day that I met the twins...

Well let's just say I went full full house fangirl over them. I loved them in their movies as well. I was a huge fan of theirs in general.

But never in my wildest dreams did I think that me out of anyone in the world would've been blessed enough to meet them.

I didn't ever think about it. I knew that Lizzie was an Olsen, but I never put two and two together.

I was also young and stupid, so there's that. I also knew that they weren't apart of the new show, but I don't blame them one bit.

They are highly successful now and independent, they don't need to go back to that show.

I put on the first episode and just laid back against my pillows. I was content to just be in bed, I never really just lay around anymore.

I usually go and pester Leighton, or go and crash at hers while she's at work.

But today I felt like just staying home. I had this weird gut feeling to stay home today, as if I needed to be here. I felt off when I woke up as well, so something is going on.

I hadn't heard from Leighton since this morning, which is weird. Normally she tries to text me throughout the day to tell me how her day is going.

I just shrugged it off, she's probably busy at work.

My stomach growled angrily.

"I should probably go and eat something", I thought to myself as I paused the show and slowly got out of bed. I walked towards my door and went down stairs.

I walked past Mackenzie's room and down the stairs again. Mackenzie and the dogs weren't here, which was weird.

"Did she take them to the dog park?", I muttered to myself as I walked towards the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and straight over to the fridge.

I opened the fridge and saw a bunch of new breakfast options to make.

I knew that my parents wouldn't mind if I made whatever, they tend to stock up on everything.

I pulled some of the things that I would need for a full English breakfast. I walked over to the counter and put things down before grabbing the rest.

I grabbed a frying pan and put it down on the stove top before turning it on to heat up the pan.

- - -

Leighton POV

I was on my way to work, I was a little behind this morning. I had an issue with getting Isabella up, she kept saying something about a bad dream.

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