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Somewhere in Los Angeles, California
November 13th, 2014

Alexandra POV

I've been staying with Clay and Rene for a couple days now, and it's only Thursday. It's been fun to be back and be hanging out with them, but it's also slightly weird at the same time.

Leighton had to leave yesterday due to some emergency which sucked, but I understood that she had to go home.

I'm not going to lie though, I was slightly happy over that. Not in a "I didn't want her here" kind of way, but because now I can actually hangout with them without worrying that they'd say her name.

I rolled over on the bed and sighed a little. I knew that Clay had made plans for the two of us today, but I didn't know at what time.

So I had decided to set the earliest alarm and have now been sitting in the bed for the last hour.

I knew that one of them was awake because I smelt the coffee aroma linger towards the guest room. I sat up slowly and looked at my phone to see a new text from Mac.


I know you are trying to catch up with them
but something happened that you need to know about.

What happened?

I was slightly nervous to read her next text as I didn't know what to expect.

Lily passed away last night

Lily my ex?

her parents called to tell you
She had stage four cancer and was doing chemo
things took a turn.
They said that you deserved to know

Give them my condolences please

I will.
Are you going to be okay?

I mean yeah.
I don't wish death on anyone,
but she was a bitch..

That's understandable then

I do feel bad for Lily's parents but at the same time, she fucked my life over. She spread shit about me for years and I don't appreciate that. But she also didn't deserve to die so young either.

I slowly got out of the bed and tossed on my sweats that were on the end of the bed.

The one nice thing about crashing here is that they don't judge me... for well being me.

I slowly made my out of the room and down the hall towards their kitchen.

As soon as I turned into the kitchen, I saw a person that I wasn't expecting to see here at all.

I wanted to walk out, I wanted to just go back to the bed and not come back out until Clay came for me.

But I didn't move. I was frozen in my tracks.

She hadn't noticed me standing there yet, as it looked like she was lost in her own little world.

I heard footsteps from upstairs and turned to see Rene in his work uniform.

He just kept walking towards the door, oblivious to the circumstance that I had found myself in or he knew and wanted to leave quickly.

I looked back and she was still lost in whatever she was doing.

I could sneak a coffee quickly, I could just grab something and run back to bed. But I didn't want to.

I leaned against the fridge and just looked at her. I was slightly happy to see her, but at the same time I was mad nervous.

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