
64 4 0

Stretford, UK

Alexandra POV

I walked back down the stairs from the staff locker room and out of the store through the employee entrance.

I hummed slightly as I decided to just board over to Leighton's instead of going home.

I have my own key to her place, and plus if I go over then I could prepare a delicious breakfast for Isabella and I guess Leighton as well. I also don't really feel like dealing with my parents asking why I'm at home, when I could go to Leighton's and just hangout there without being questioned.

I got back on my board and began cruising in the parking lot. I just wanted to get to Leighton's as fast but as safely as I could and just be able to relax.

I was boarding down the street when You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift came on. I smiled brightly as I sang along. Oh and I change the pronouns, I always have.. Sometimes it makes sense, most of the time it doesn't.

You're on the phone with your boyfriend, he's upset
He's going off about something that you said
'Cause he doesn't get your humour like I do

I just kept boarding, this road is pretty straight so I can just cruise and occasionally push when I need to.

I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music he doesn't like
And he'll never know your story like I do

I got hyped with the next little bit of the song as I pushed to get more speed while singing along to the song.

If you could see that I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So, why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

I was just pulling up to Leighton's after listening to a couple other songs. It was now almost six thirty in the morning, meaning that I'd have to be as quiet as possible when I go inside.

I carefully got off my longboard before picking it up. I immediately paused the song playing on my phone as I went to walk towards her driveway.

As I was walking up her driveway I was grabbing my keys from my pocket. I looked down at my keys as I was trying to find the one to her place as I have a bunch of things on my chain.

I stopped at her front door and took a small deep breath as I peered in the small window. I was hoping and praying that she wasn't already up, I just wanted to relax for a little.

I slowly unlocked her front door before sneakily walking in and shutting the door as quietly as possible before locking it again. I quietly leaned my board against the wall before slipping off my shoes. I gently and quietly snuck down the hall towards her living room.

I plopped down on her couch and quickly turned on the tv. As soon as the tv turned on I quickly grabbed the remote again to turn the volume most of the way down. I didn't want to wake either Isabella or Leighton up.

I flicked through a few channels before deciding to just watch the first cartoon channel that popped up. I laid back on the couch as I watched the I don't even know what show this is, it's just a random cartoon.

I got lost in the cartoon when suddenly I felt a body plop down on the couch beside me. I looked to my side to see Leighton sitting there just looking at me curiously.

"When the fuck did you get here?", she asks with a small laugh. I just looked at her with a raised brow and shrugged before looking back at the cartoon.

come back... be here x e.oKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat