"Mommmmmm..... I ain't a kid, C'mon. Please don't call me now. I am going to have my talk with the hod....... yeah-yeah.... I had my breakfast...... Okay, now stop. Bye. Love you." He heard you, and your small smile was more than visible.

You were so lucky. Your parents cared way too much about you. They didn't even stop you from anything. You wish, and you get it. Your family was a happy and cheerful one. No problems.

Apart from your home- sweet- home, you were also good at studies and sports. The perfect all-rounder.

Friends were never a problem. People didn't prefer you much because of your secretive self and emotionless face. You didn't want any sympathy nor trusted anyone to share your feelings with. They should understand it. But a crowds nature is to interfere with others life and not look into their own.

You knew that the ones who really approached you were the true ones you needed, and they accepted you the way you are.

Though, your love life was a mess. The guy who stole your heart was out in the trance of breaking hearts. You knew he would never accept you. Love was nothing to him. He liked to be with different girls with different bodies, scents, personalities, and experience. Backing out was your only solution. You just can't destroy such a beautiful life of yours because of the stupid beating heart of yours.

"Hey, I am sorry." Jungkook said, sulking.

"I forgave you long back. Those guys needed it. They won't beat up any fresher now." You said smiling and bid him goodbye.


"Students... silence, please. We have three new classmates. Hope you all will befriend them." Announced the teacher with a way tooooo tired smile. She seems fed up. There were two more girls with you. "Hi, I am Sona. Hope we get along." She shyly looked down. She had a checkered crop top and plaited skirt on with long socks.

The other one looked like a slut. Ahe too wore a plaited skirt but it was way too short. Makeup was pit on a lot. You were sorry, and you know it is not good to judge someone based on their attire, but yeah. That was the first thing that came to your mind.

"Hi. I am Hee- Jin. Please take care of me." God, she is pick me girl. Oh no. Again. You should learn not to judge people like this. But the way she said it - anyway. You were so lost on thoughts that you didn't even realize you were standing in the doorway the whole time.

"Sweety, come in, please."

Walking up to the front, you took off your cap and pushed your long hair to the back. The mask you had on was now in your bag.

"Hi, I am Yn. Lee Yn. Hope you all will leave me to be by myself. " Smiled. Fake. You could hear many students mumbling and whispering while looking at you. A few boys even winked, like, the fuck. And ofcourse from those boys Jungkook was one as well.

"Okay, you can sit beside Meilin. Darling, raise your hand." Looking at the teacher, you smiled. She radiated the energy of your aunt. Too sweet. She won't be able to survive long. This world ain't for her. But the seat she gave you was not in your favor.

"I would like to choose my seat. Can I?" Reciprocating her respect and love, you asked. You wanted to sit with Jungkook, but when you saw him smirk at your request, you will sit alone for today.

"Sure." Getting the consent, you made your way to the empty seat after throwing a grin at Jungkook.

You couldn't contain your happiness at the moment. You are in Seoul! With Jungkook! You better study your ass off.

5 mins. Sharp ears and interested.

10 mins. Listening and uninterested.

20 mins. Ears blocked and sleepy.

I Was Never Yours || J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now