SEVEN: From the heart

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The moon was high in the sky again that night, although it was changbin into its infamous crescent shape.

The four returned to the heart of Seoul and walked upon an invisible bridge towards a large building, Changbin letting out a sigh as he was finally inside a building again, the four of them ending up in the health division where Chaeown's office was.
"All that going around and we come out empty handed... just brilliant..." Hyunjin scoffed, walking ahead of them in an angry state to who knows where.
"Does he always get mad like this?" Changbin asked.
"Yes, well..." Chaewon started to explain.

"Before Jisung joined the Clan, Hyunjin didn't really care for this outcome. But ever since Jisung came two years ago, he's proved as a worthy adversary to Hyunjin. Then, about a year ago, they reached a standstill in ranking. The spot for number seven is actually empty, and they've been trying to prove themselves both to the Clan and each other. Hyunjin wants to provide results and show that he isn't just a pretty face."

"Like you saw before, one of his abilities is to be able to seduce people and pry out information. Not only that, but he is also an artist, and it reflects in his powers. He can swiftly destroy things in his path with merely a swish of his tools." Sakura said.
"Woah, that's pretty sick." Changbin said.
"Yeah, Jisung likewise can be very destructive. He is very skilled in martial arts and whatnot- so is Lee Know, for that matter."

"We should present our findings to the Council," Chaewon began.
"We'll just leave Hyunjin for now. You can wander around if you wish."
The girls then walked off, Changbin looking around.
I'm on my own again.
He decided to just go wherever Jisung's card told him was available- he found himself in the cafeteria, the logistics department, and he even somehow ended up in a storage room.

Changbin was about to go back to Chaewon's office until he heard a familiar voice down the hall.
Well, three voices actually.

"You came out empty handed? Hah, tough luck, Hwang." Jisung said.
"Really? I would like to know how your mission went." Hyunjin sneered.
"It went well actually, thanks for asking! We apprehended a suspect and it turns out he does have an involvement!" Jisung cried.
"Guys, this isn't the time or place for this-" Lee Know tried to interject.
"We're back to square one because you failed to lead them, Hyunjin. You're slowly losing your edge." Jisung raised his voice a bit.

"Me? Losing my edge?" Hyunjin laughed.
"Do you want me to show you how much of an edge I have?" Hyunjin said. Changbin could hear the faint sound of a fan opening.
"Are you testing me right now?" Jisung yelled.
Changbin heard a light whirring sound.
"Both of you, cool it!" Lee Know growled.
Changbin decided to step out from the corner, eying the three of them.

There he saw a slightly open space, although there was noone there but them, nothing but windows around and a staircase leading upwards.
Changbin supposed people were too lazy nowadays to use the stairs.
Hyunjin and Jisung were close up to each other, weapons bracing for combat.
Lee Know then spotted Changbin and they made eye contact, Lee Know giving him a pleading look to help him. Changbin walked over, clearing his throat.
The two guardians quickly whipped their heads around and looked at him, hatred evident in their eyes.

Changbin still pushed through, despite the image of them beating him to a pulp resounded in his head.
"You guys need to stop. If you want to beat each other up then be my guest- you'll probably just get demerit points from Chan for being disrespectful towards one another, let alone doing it in HQ. If you wanna fight, take it elsewhere. Better yet, don't fight at all." Changbin narrowed his eyes on both of them.
"I- But- He!" Jisung groaned in annoyance, pointing his finger at Hyunjin.
"This isn't over, Hwang. We're back at square one thanks to you, and I won't let you live that down."
Jisung looked him up and down.

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