FOUR: Unsettled mind

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The craft heading towards the Guardian HQ had windows, unlike his police craft. He stared aimlessly out the window, looking past Jisung to the afternoon city lights and other crafts in the distance.
"You look distracted. Are you okay?" Jisung asked, snapping Changbin out of his trance. He took note that Lee Know silently glanced over at him from beside Jisung.

"Yeah, all good... I've just been off the job for a few days since dealing with Rake, so getting back into action has my brain all over the place, hahaha..."
It was yet another excuse for the fact that he was thinking about the situation at hand with Lee Know. However, the fact that he was exhausted was also true somewhat.
"Wah, you were part of that??" Jisung exclaimed.
"Yeah. It was pretty exhausting." Changbin nodded.

"Well, no worries! I can have you on an appointment with Chaewon! She's number two and is an insane healer not only of the body but also of the mind! Since it's a favor from me, you don't need to worry about money." Jisung smiled, Changbin smiling back.
"Thank you."
"She's good, you'll be fine with her." Lee Know said before going silent again.
The rest of the ride was silent, apart from the sounds of the engine of the flying car.
As they approached a large building near the heart of Seoul, Changbin was left in awe at the familiar yet amazing sight of the Guardian HQ. he had set eyes on it many times, but he had never been inside. It was a very tall high rise building with lamps at the ground, although they were inactive, the words 'GUARDIANS FOR PEACE' written in Korean in neon along the building in a vertical manner.

Many other buildings surrounded it. This district of Seoul had many people living here, and it was heavily guarded by soldiers of the government and the Guardians themselves- security was tight, and the HQ has seen little to no break-ins and flaws over the past thirty years. The craft went onto a nearby building on the craft pad, a person with lights in their hands guiding a safe landing. They got out of the craft, and the flying car took off again. Changbin then deactivated his suit, his normal clothes underneath.
"Authorization please," a guard on the building in full metal armour came up to the three of them.
"Lee Know, Guardian number five." Lee Know tapped his wristband, pulling up his ID on the holo screen.
"Han Jisung, Guardian number eight."
"Seo Changbin, officer at the STAY Department." Changbin and Jsiung did the same, pulling up their IDs.

"Approved." the guard nodded, leading them towards the edge of the building.
"Uh, where does this go?" Changbin asked, blinking rapidly as he viewed the long drop downwards.
"Just trust us. Take my hand." Lee Know held his hand out for Changbin, the police officer gently taking the offer.
Changbin didn't want to admit how familiar the hands were, distant yet close. He only thought as such because he looked like Minho, but he had to let it go for now. So he firmly held his hand and allowed the silver haired boy to take a step. Changbin was prepared to fall, but he was surprised as Lee Know was seemingly standing in midair, but the faint glow where he stood told that there was an invisible bridge.

"Come on." Jisung smiled, running happily further, his steps lit up each time.
Changbin let out a breath and stood with Lee Know, smiling as he felt the pressure of an item beneath him.
"There's a bridge, it's just cloaked thanks to technology. No one can see us once we step onto this bridge. This is one of our security measures." Lee Know explained as he let go of his hand after the first few steps. They walked all the way across towards the larger building, and once they arrived, a small portion of the building opened up to let them in after a quick scan of their faces. They went in single file, Jisung first, followed by Lee Know and then Changbin.
Changbin glossed over his surroundings as Jisung slung his arm over the other man's shoulder with a smile.

"Welcome to HQ, officer." Jisung smiled.
This level of the building was white with architecture that curved and was attached to the roof and floor. There were people walking around, and at the ends there were rooms that could be seen through with glass, flatscreens and other devices present. The rooms and the main space they were in were lit up but white light around the perimeter of the top of the space.
"This is the security department. To avoid suspicion, multiple people come from multiple places at multiple times. These things interchange as well. Here, you'll find people working to fight against hackers and the like. We need to go up a few levels, to the main Hub. We need to reconvene with the Council." Lee Know said. They walked through the hall, people bowing at the Guardians in respect as they passed. They made it to a platform at the end of the hall, the three of them standing on the hexagonal shape.

A Guardian's Promise- MinbinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin