NINE: Rediscovered

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Lee Know swiftly jumped from building to building as the sun was fully in the sky now, not a cloud in sight.
He was on his way to a special place, a place where he would have to double check his findings and beliefs.

His encounter with Changbin some days ago was alarming to him, he had felt so many emotions that day, and he wasn't sure where to or how to place them in that moment.
He wasn't sure why he began to cry either.
He was Lee Know, Guardian number 5- he wasn't one to easily show a faze in his emotions.
He pushed Changbin away thinking this, but he realized soon after and during the talk that in his heart, he knew something was wrong.

As far as his memories tell him, he never knew someone by the name of Seo Changbin, and had little to no friends growing up until he joined the Guardian Clan. It had always been his dream to become a Guardian, as opposed to Lee Minho, who Changbin believed was one and the same with Lee Know. Lee Know always wanted to help people, and he didn't care about the cost. His parents were dead, and he had been taken in by the council themselves , so he decided that this was the best thing for him.
He thought about the situation for a while, and he deduced that Changbin might be onto something, that there was some sort of hole in his memories.

He wasn't ready to face the cop just yet, he had to do things on his own, like he preferred to.
On the way across the buildings, he checked his surroundings for people in danger, eyes darting quickly and with precise perception.
He frowned as he viewed some homeless people around, as well as slums.
He wished to help, but they were under the protection of Levanter in this area, so it was better to leave them be.

Guardians weren't exactly welcomed in the hearts of people who have already lost everything (however, number one was an exception, thanks to Lee Felix).
He passed the area and ended up on the streets, downtown, where there were still many homes, flora, fauna and vegetation lined up around the area.
He decided to lay low in an area like this, hiding his sword underneath his red overcoat before walking calmly on the surprisingly empty street.
A few more blocks, and he would be at his destination.

Suddenly, he perked up as he heard the sound of a bottle breaking and a scream, which sounded like a girl's scream.
He dashed in the direction of the noise, making sure to not make any sound. The sound originated from an alleyway, a fire blazing in a barrel and graffiti on the walls.
Lee Know realized it was an alley leading to a Levanter camp.
I guess I accidentally circled back without realizing. How unlike me.

There were some homeless people who were scolding a young looking girl with black hair and a white dress, a pearly headband that extended through her hair shining with the fire's light.
"What ya doing here girl? Scram!" a man said, clearly drunk on whatever was in the bottle he was holding.
"I'm on my way to work. What's the problem?" she asked sternly, hands on her hips.
"Ah, bullsh*t if I ever seen it." The man took a step closer, Lee Know deciding to step in before anyone got hurt.

The girl seemed in fine shape at the moment.
Lee Know zipped forward, quick as lighting, taking the man's shoulder into his palm. He then quickly pushed him back with force, but not too much to injure him severely (Lee Know was very capable of doing such a thing, and he would have if this man wasn't protected by an agency).
The man let out a loud yelp as he fell to the ground, spluttering as the bottle fell out of his hand.
Lee Know caught the bottle, looking carefully at the contents.
"Ah, of course it's moonshine. Who even lent you this anyway?" Lee Know scoffed before turning to the girl.

"You alright kid?" he asked. She seemed surprised, but relieved nonetheless.
"Yeah, all good. Thanks..." She smiled as she came back to her senses.
"Good." Lee Know nodded simply.
"What's going on here?" a voice called.
They looked up at the end of the alleyway, where it was split into a crossroads.
From the left side came a familiar figure.
"Oh, Felix!" the girl waved.

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