ONE: A strange case

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The moon hung high in the sky, clouds parting to greet the misfortunes and triumphs of every living being. The moon bears witness to all sorts of people from all walks of life, and it witnesses the most, for in the streets of Seoul, the night is when the people are the most alive.

People got up to all manner of activity- partying, staying up late, participating in criminal activity.
Saving others.
This was a job that a lot of people took seriously, including the Seoul Police Department and all of its subdivisions.
Police were responsible, but they also went out to enjoy themselves every now and then.
Changbin was currently sitting on a stool at a small table in the corner of a casual bar, too exhausted from the recent work he had. His throat burned and his head was spinning, but he didn't mind. As long as it made the stress stop. He currently wore a tan jacket with black pants, his black hair fanning over his eyes messily.

He swirled the glass in his hand, staring at the yellow liquid within it, ice cubes sloshing in tandem with the liquid. He heard all manner of people talking in the humble yet busy space, neon lights and metallic aesthetic surrounding him, their effect amplified in the nighttime. He lifted his eyes to the flat screen at the other end of the bar, narrowing his eyes.
"As of today, September 7th 2063, the STAY Department has apprehended a grand total of 75 people within three weeks in the pursuit of the criminal gang known as Rake, which has been committing atrocities around Seoul and its surrounding cities for over five years..."

That was exactly what Changbin wanted to get away from. He was part of that police department, and he had had his nose in the grindstone for a while having to assist with the case. Although he was only an official officer for the past two years now, he was still dragged into all types of cases.
He has asked his captain countless times to let him off now that the task was done, and she reluctantly and begrudgingly allowed a leave for a few days before he would be called back to action.
In all honesty, it was fair. The crime rates in this day and age were not to be messed with.

Before Changbin knew it, his drink was over, just as he was about to ask the robot bartender for another one, someone smacked down onto his table with both of their hands, Changbin groggily looking up at the one who did it.
She had long brown hair, and eyes, wearing a leather jacket over a casual white dress.
"Get your ass up. You need to go home." she told him.
"Kazuha, I didn't know you suddenly became my mother." Changbin chuckled funnily.
"That would be physically impossible, I'm younger than you. I'm telling you to go home."

"Because. You haven't had a drink since two weeks ago, and you said you would lay off until next month at the very least."
"Oh right, I did say that. Hehe, sorry~" Changbin laughed again.
"You're unbelievable. Get up, go home, and get yourself sober. I heard from your buddies at the station that you would be here so I didn't hesitate to come."
She lifted her wrist to show the black wristband with blue accents. She tapped it, and a screen came up, displaying the time as 11:51 PM.
"It's midnight, almost."
"Fine, fine. I'll go. Ah, what would I do without you Kazuha~" Changbin smiled.

"You'd be wasted and not in your right mind. You stopped drinking because last time, you almost got yourself killed. I get that you're beat after handling the recent case, but that gives you no reason to celebrate like this- celebrating, maybe you're doing it because it makes you forget how hard your job is. Whatever the case, you made it into the ranks at a young age because you're that damn good. So get onto your feet and stop being a wuss."
Ah, she's always been here for him to set him straight for the past few years.

She was a ballerina, and while ballet has changed drastically, she keeps to the original ways that were used in the 1900s and early 2000s. They met when he was on a case relating to her studio, and they've been best friends since then.
"You're right... thanks, Zuha." Changbin nodded.
"That's most like it. And fix your hair please." Kazuha sighed as he stood and fixed his hair with his right hand. He used his own wristband, or 'cross-communicator', to pay the bill.
They left the bar, and while he was tipsy, Changbin was walking perfectly fine.
"Hell, you walk fine and talk fine when you're drunk and you still end up in sh*t sometimes." Kazuha sighed again.
"That's one of my charms I guess." Changbin smiled widely, Kazuha huffing with a shake of her head, although he still retained a smile on her face.

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