A present for Dan

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I felt a hand touching me on my shoulder. Surely it wasn't Dan's, he was hugging me with both arms! I opened my eyes to see Phil standing there. I woke up and carefully wriggled myself out of his arms, he twitched. I stood up and slipped on my tardis t-shirt and black jeans and walked out with Phil. I asked him why we were up at 4 in the morning eating cereal, he said that we had to find Dan a birthday present. How could I forget? His birthday is on the 11th of June 2015! He was turning 24!

We got out of the apartment and walked into town. Phil immediately saw a giant llama toy and we bought it. I bought some fabric and sowing needles and thread and made a mini ring shirt and put it on the llama. It looked cute but Phil insisted that I should make a wig for it. Luckily I had a fur ribbon that was the same colour as Dan's hair, so I sowed that into a wig and put it on the llama and there we had it, A LLAMA DAN! We got back at 5 is and Dan was still asleep. I got back into the warmth of the bed and Phil took a nap too.

8 o'clock and the llama Dan was hidden in Phil's secret box in the back of his wardrobe. We woke up and Dan had no idea why we were so tired since the both of us slept earlier than him.

Dan went out to get lunch and came back with prezzies for me and Phil because we were such good friends to him. I couldn't help but run and hug him, but he seemed so happy, and I was glad but I felt like I was being the saddest person in the room. This was goo much for me, I wanted to think of my future, not my favourite youtuber's birthday, Dan and Phil came up to me and hugged me to make me feel better.

I gave them a slight smile and Dan said if I could help Phil and him to record a new video for Dan and Phil games, it was a three legged DDR challenge and I said yes. During the recording, I tried my best not to laugh whenever they fell over. Dan's jeans ripped so I went out with him to buy some new black ones, he said that those Jean that ripped were 3 years old anyways, so he would've bought new ones.

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