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Gael placed first in the first round much to his friends' delight.

Elias and Mira jumped in unison while hugging each other out of joy.

Gael looked up at his father with a small smile which he retaliated. Then at Kai standing next to his father.

He also gave a thumbs up to his mom, indicating that he was alright.

And finally dedicated his attention to the noise polluting friends of his, he laughed out of joy looking towards them. Mira was radiating out of happiness for him, and he felt so relieved.

Truthfully, he was not willing to do all that. Initially when he had laid down before entering the field, his plan was to sleep and relax till the round was over. And thus, get eliminated without any injuries. But then he heard Mira's shouting and cheering and then he decided to just fuck it. She was finally active after being completely mum for an entire week, and he couldn't help but continue to make his friend happy.

And now that he stood victorious, of course, he had one last greeting to give and that was to the ground. As soon as he was done, he ran inside the participants' waiting room and laid down on his back and closed his eyes to relax.

And it was empty too, as he was the only one to finish round one so far. Just like he preferred. Maybe winning was not so bad.

Whilst Elias was still looking out for Nina in the arena, Mira was now disinterested.

She was more concerned about Ares, but only family was allowed visitation rights. At least he was not severely injured, which was a relief.

She then felt a tap on her shoulder, and once she responded to it by turning towards the person, she was greeted by Kenji.

"Hello Mira Nagami." He smiled showing his teeth.

"Hey Kenji." She frowned, curious about his sudden want to approach her.

To say he hated comforting people would be a great understatement. However, this time he was willing to make an exception.

Kenji tried to hide his laugh when he felt burning daggers glaring at him from next to his master.

"Wanna go for a walk? I see that your friend has won." He suggested.

"I'd rather not, I'm sorry." Mira rejected politely. If she walked next to this Zaveri brother, she was going to lose it thinking of the other one again.

Shit, she was thinking of him again.

Elias noticed how Mira tensed up and immediately looked at Kenji. He was scared. Kenji was a whole rogom, of course he was terrified.

However, he was definitely not as strict as Kai. In fact, he let them quite loose when he took over. And he did not look down upon him because he was an orphan.

But Mira was upset. And he wanted to be there for his best friend, stick up for her and all. So, he mustered up all his nonexistent courage and spoke up.

"Sir, Kenji, please leave her alone. She does not want to talk." Elias said, trying to hide the fright in his soft voice.

"Alvares, did I ask you for your permission boy?" He bent down which made Elias flinch, but he stood his ground.

Mira rubbed her hands feeling uncomfortable.

"It's okay E. He is not making me feel like this. And Kenji, I'm alright."

"Now don't be a hypocrite, Mira Nagami. You know it yourself; you would not leave me alone by myself if I were like this now would you." He smirked and Mira looked at him thoughtfully.

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