Chapter 6: The very first bitch-ass monster

Start from the beginning

"You learn something new every day, huh?" Dean glances out the window.

"I've never seen a baby monster before."

"Well, who knew there were any?" Alexis brushes Madilyn's hair from her face as she sleeps.

"Yeah." Dean scoffs. "Of course, it's not really a monster. I mean, it's still just a baby. It's not its fault its dad's a shifter."

"Right. But it's a shifter too." Sam argues.

"Still doesn't change the fact that we've gotta--" Dean glances over his shoulder at the sleeping baby. "--We gotta look after this thing. I mean, what the hell are we gonna do with it? We can't drop it off at an orphanage. They might get upset when it turns Asian."

"Samuel." Sam states.

"What's he got to do with anything?" Alexis asks, groaning a little as she leaned her head against the cool glass of the window.

"Samuel. He'll know what to do."

"You wanna bring it to a bunch of hunters?" Dean asks.

"Not just hunters. They're our family."

"That doesn't change the fact that they're bloodthirsty killers." Alexis mutters, trying to calm the nausea washing over her.

"We don't know them." Dean argues.

"I do." Sam counters. "Not every hunter is a headcase. I mean, Samuel is actually a lot like you."

"I'm a freaking headcase."

"Well, pitch a better idea, then." Sam shrugs.

Dean went to answer, but couldn't.

"Great. Samuel it is." Sam nods.

"Sam, I've got a good idea." Alexis groans. "Pull over."


"Do you want me to throw up all over your car?" Alexis asks.

Sam pulled over to the side of the road and Alexis stumbled out of the car. Dean got out, setting a hand on her back and pulling her hair away from her face.

"Sweetheart?" He asks. "Darlin', you okay?"

Alexis groans, setting her hands on her knees. "No."

"What's wrong, baby?" Dean ran his hand up and down her back.

"I don't know." Alexis mutters before vomiting again.


Dean gently rocked Bobby John in his arms as Christian walks past him. "You doin' alright, sweetheart?" He asks Alexis, who sat at the table a few feet away, head in her hands.

"No really." Alexis replies as Madilyn curled further into her chest.

Gwen walked up to Dean, looking down at the baby. "Well, aren't you just the best little disguise a monster every wore?"

Dean rolls his eyes.

"I'm kidding, Dean, relax." Gwen walks off.

"Oh, you're real funny." Alexis scoffs, rolling her eyes.

Mark stood in front of Dean, just watching.

"What, you got something to say?" Dean asks. No answer. "No? Alright. Well, you just stand there and think at me."

"So what's our next move?" Sam asks Samuel as the two walk in the room.

"I got a couple ideas." The eldest hunter replies. "Dean, let me see the little guy."

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