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Ash comes down the stairs with my little baby in her arms except she looks angry fuming even

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Ash comes down the stairs with my little baby in her arms except she looks angry fuming even

"Now who the actual fuck is she and why is she here, when your girl was crying upstairs"

"Woah chill out ash she's just a old friend from school, who also happens to be a little no big  deal" I say slightly intimidated by her, she tends to get overprotective of May when we fail her and it doesn't help that she's a mommy

Ash rolls her eyes "No big deal my fat ass your actual girl has been crying upstairs while you play happy family with this hoe, I think we'll take our leave now" why is she lying her ass is flatter than the earth

I see the girl perk up with a pout "I'm not a hoe Dane why are you letting her talk to me like that Theo" Dane groans at Sarah

"We're not Ash your not our only friend so learn to respect the ones you don't know and leave it alone"

She scoffs "Ye I will be leaving and I'm taking May with me"

"What no your fucking not she's not your little" Dane shouts out frustration seeping through

"W-well neither is she b-but you care more about her than you do me and I don't wike you guys anymore"

And they storm out of the door not looking back. Me and Dane look at each other in awe
Dane clenches and unclenches his fists before picking up the nearest thing to him being a plate and chucking it across the room with a scream

He looks at Sarah his eyes black before he storms towards me. "Fuck your dad man I'm gonna kill this psycho bitch"

I pull him back towards my chest wrapping myself around him "Calm down baby I know it all seems bad but trust me it's for May"

Sarah looks at us pouting "daddies I'm so very hungry feed me please"

Dane scoffs at her looking like he's about to pop off when I interrupt him. "Sarah your not our little and you know where the appliances are feed yourself"

She groans mumbling under her breathe about how we're shit daddies and caretakers and how daddies are meant to respect there little

"Shut the fuck up you bitch your not our little and never will be stay in your place you know why you're here" She storms upstairs with a scream slamming a door when Dane looks at me

His eyes start to crease and he breaks down in my arms waterfalls of tears falling down his perfect face "She hates us baby she really hates us fuck I love her so much and she's gone"

At his words tears start falling down my own face. I thought I was doing this for her but who am I really doing this for if it was for her we could've included her in the plan but we didn't. I didn't and I've been so fucking selfish

I pick up my phone calling Ash's number hearing it go straight to voicemail making me whimper and try multiple more times. "You're wrong she doesn't hate us they both hate us and we are so screwed"

He sobs at my words before we both collapse onto the sofa with groans and long whimpers
I feel Kenzies body get lighter so I know he's asleep. I kiss his forehead with a sigh whispering sorry's into the crown of his head


I wake up with a moan hearing Theo's phone ring and try and shake him awake when he tells me to leave it cause he's not the mood, it rings a couple more times making Theo moan and throw it onto the opposite sofa. He snuggles back into my neck when I hear my phone ring

I get up to grab it when Sarah rushes over taking it out of my hand. "It's okay Kenzie I'll do it for you go back to sleep baby"

I look at her skeptically but nod my head lying back down too emotionally drained to care , I hear murmuring on the other line but am not exactly sure who Sarah's talking to

"Erm hello who is this" "Hello anyone there"
I hear the line go silent before a piercing scream rips through the phone as Sarah hangs up

"I don't exactly know who was on the other side"

"Sarah who was on the god damn fucking phone" she looks startled as I steer closer to her

"E-erm someone c-called Ashton I don't know who that is"

That scream was not ash's meaning it was rosie my little rosie who I promised to never hurt was in pain because of us because of me, i storm upstairs into the guest bedroom forcing all of Sarah's clothes and belongings into her bag before running back down

I open the door and throw her bags out onto the stairs and funny that it's raining perfect hopefully she melt away in the rain like the ugly witch she truly is

"What what Dane w-what are you doing" she says as tears pour down her face

"Throwing your lying ass out is what I'm doing now leave"

"W-what y-you can't where do I-I g-go"

"That's not our problem any more now leave" she goes to put her shoes on when I throw them out the door, "Put your shoes on outside and get out"

And I slam the door in her face, everything starts to sink in now and what we've done. I collapse into the floor banging my head on the wood, she's actually gone and fuck her scream

"Baby she hates us we've lost her, fuck her scream she's broken and we did that we fucking broke out babygirl"

I fall into Theo's arms as he comforts me by caressing my arms to relax me whispering into my ears. "I'm so sorry baby we'll get her back I promise you"

 "I'm so sorry baby we'll get her back I promise you"

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