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Instantly stopping in my tracks I look around trying to find the pained voice of Mayah, worry bubbling inside of me with what she must be going through and for how long

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Instantly stopping in my tracks I look around trying to find the pained voice of Mayah, worry bubbling inside of me with what she must be going through and for how long.

Hearing her deafening screams I turn left and thats when I see her small body lying on the floor her hands digging into his as she tries to claw her way out. Her head hits the floor as she looks back seeing me

"DADDY" her scratchy voice shouts calling me over to her as she's clearly out of breath

I can see the hold he has on her neck.The pain he's causing her, but it's like I can't move my feet stay planted to the floor until I see the hold she has on his wrists start to loosen and her eyes roll back into unconsciousness.

I go to tell her how I almost killed the fucker beating him black and blue but decide against it knowing how she'll say some dumb shit along the lines of "He didn't deserve it" and how "I didn't need to go through all the troubles to help her"

The nurse had come in awhile ago and cleared Liana free to go and since then we've been packing up and tidying the room getting ready to leave.

Placing my hands under her thighs i lift her up along with her bag and begin walking out of the room heading to reception to leave the form
"Daddy I can walk my legs weren't injured silly" she giggles tucking her head into my neck

"I know you can walk babygirl but as long as I'm here you won't need to" I say tickling under her chin buckling her into her car seat before getting into the front and driving back home

We arrive at my house around 15 minutes later the hospital luckily being in between both my house and the school. I walk up the steps to my house with Liana on my hip babbling to herself a sign telling me how all the stress has caused her to slip which I knew would happen sooner or later considering she hasn't in a while.

Opening the door I'm greeted with the sounds of distressed cries and shouts. "Why are you fuckers in my house" I curse not liking the fact that they feel to turn up in my house whenever they please, Liana giggles at my frustration mumbling how cursing is naughty and not okay

I put May down on the floor seeing Leo rush over to her hugging her tightly tears running down his face as he silently sobs on her shoulder. "May May I-I'm so s-sorry are you o-okay?

I look down at him in confusing looking around the room to see if anyone else is as confused as I am. Is Leo a little? I mean I had my suspicions because of the whole pastel clothes and always in Ashtons lap but seeing it for myself is a big difference to imagining it

"Leo baby come to mommy" Ash says and he runs back into her arms still sobbing . I tell the guys how I'm going upstairs to run her a bath and walk upstairs into my or basically our bedroom. I place her on my bed as I walk into the bathroom putting on a bath with loads of her bubbles and a couple of bath toys.

"Liana come here baby" I shout out to her and she runs into the bathroom naked her clothes a pile on the bedroom floor
"Baby why are your clothes off" i ask confused

She giggles at my question acting like what I just said was the funniest thing ever "There on da fwoor daddy, I don't bath with cwothes on silly" she jumps up and down excitedly clearly forgetting she's naked as she lets her perfect ass and tits jiggle with every movement

Whispering a 'fuck' under my breathe I grab her hips before lifting her in the warm water. I leave her to her own devices making sure she's quick enough that we can go back downstairs to eat with our friends.

"Daddy I done out please" I hear her shout from the bathroom, grabbing her blue fluffy towel I grab her out the bath putting her on the bed to go and look for some pyjamas. I end up deciding on a two piece fluffy Cinnamoroll set

Walking down the stairs with her on my hip i place her down on the sofa with Leo while I go into the kitchen to place an order for pizza.

The door bell rings and I get up with my wallet ready to pay when I see liana run in front of me opening the door. The pizza guy is a blue eyed blonde hair boy who looked around the same age as her, he smiles at her showing his full set of teeth.

"Hi what's your name I'm Mayah" she smiles at him bouncing on her feet
"I'm Lucas how old are you darling" he smirks

She goes to answer him when I appear behind her my hands digging into her hips, my mouth moving along her neck leaving small bites.
"Answer him baby how old are you" I whisper in her ears biting around her neck

"Seventeen" she whispers loud enough for me to hear but not for Lucas

"Cmon baby daddy can't hear you, tell Lucas how old you are" I say louder making sure he can hear me say daddy while placing my hand roughly along her neck

"Seventeen" she practically shouts at him grabbing the pizzas out his hand and slamming the door in his face

She stomps her feet along the floor whining moving round the table to place the pizzas down before jumping onto the sofa next to Leo. She grabs two pieces of pizza for her and Leo as they start babbling away in there own little language.

"Daddy we go upstairs into bedwoom and play" she says glaring at me aggressively

I give a stiff nod of my head before seeing them giggle and run up the stairs

I move along on the sofa next to ash and turn my head towards her with a smirk

"So Leo's your little huh"

"Shut the fuck up and yes he is it's only been a couple of days and we're taking it slow" she says fast with a blush on her cheeks

"And how do you feel about this Anders" I ask kicking back on the sofa

"Well you know if he's happy I'm happy and ash isn't that bad so oh well" he says the corner of his mouth lifting as he looks at ash

Ash looks at him hand on her heart and slightly red cheeks you can tell it means a lot to her but as someone who doesn't take compliments well she laughs it off

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me sugar"

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me sugar"

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