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Time is moving in slow motion as I stare at my baby on the floor her eyes fluttering open and closed as she tries to stay awake, but she just can't and her eyes are no longer fluttering there just shut

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Time is moving in slow motion as I stare at my baby on the floor her eyes fluttering open and closed as she tries to stay awake, but she just can't and her eyes are no longer fluttering there just shut.

I'm running towards her. Towards him. Phoenix Williams touched my baby and I am not going to take that fucking lightly.

He seems shocked eyes opening wide as I place my full body weight on him, straddling his legs holding him in place.My fists reaching his face harder and harder with each punch as he spits out blood onto my beige shirt

Picking him up by his collar I push his body up onto the lockers my elbow digging into his neck as I stare at his now black and blue face with disgust and anger

"Who the fuck do you think you are huh?" I question not waiting for his answer
"Not so big when your talking to someone your own size you pussy. Touch my girl again and I will send your ass to jail" I say spitting at him a habit from when I get angry "Do you fucking understand me"

He pathetically nods his head murmuring a yes. I let go off him watching his body drop to the floor as he moans out in pain, turning around I look at my little baby cooing at her tiny form wondering how she could still look so innocent having gone through so much.


Each time a piece of her hair falls out of place into her eyes I softly blow it back to see her scrunch her button nose like a little bunny

This is how I've been occupying myself for a while along with counting how many times she twists and turns in this god awful hospital bed
So far we're up to 29

I close my eyes relaxing back into the wooden chair trying to stretch and click my back when I hear a whimper followed by a bunch of small coughs "Daddy m-my throat hurts"

"My poor baby I'm so sorry" I coo at her rubbing her throat which now holds the mark of a purple handprint

She does grabby hands as I sit on the edge of her bed placing her on my lap. "W-where was you d-daddy I thought you weren't coming" she sobs on my lap

"I didn't know where you had gotten to baby"

I look in the rear view mirror making sure she's okay in the back when I get a phone call from my dreaded father

Parking the car at the school I answer the call
Me: Hello Fredrick to what do I owe this wonderful call
Fredrick:Theodore I would like to inform you that I am having my retiring party and as you will be taking over you have to be there
Me: Fredrick my dear father I don't know why you continue to bother me with your stupidness, but if that's your way of politely asking me to be there I will be and like every fucking year you decide to throw an event my friends will accompany me

I hang up the phone knowing that 1) he's gonna be pissed like every year that I'm bringing such "hooligans" into his fancy estate and 2) that I'm not taking the whole me being next in line for the company serious enough

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