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What seemed like weeks had passed. Weeks filled with pain, screaming, but so much silence. Burning pain of utmost intensity.

My fever has gone down. More residual pain rather than the fresh agony from any slight movement, the bleeding had stopped, the nicer part of healing process begining.

Many questions have swarmed through my mind since the fog had cleared. Today is going to be the day I try and get some answers from the intimidating man. Like clockwork, my muscle memory kicks in. I find myself staring at the door, knowing around this time every day he comes to check in on me.

After a few long minutes, the door hinges give off a small creak as it opens.

His face rarely shows any emotion but his body language speaks - much to his dismay - he lingers in the door for a moment clearly taken slightly aback by my attention. I'm usually sulking in bed, facing away from the entrance to the room. He continues his usual route and stands to the side of the bed, looking down on me with arms folded.

"What's got you so perky?" His dark eyes instantly capturing mine, "Feeling better?"

The feeling I'm experiencing in my heart is indescribable. It's like it's sunk into the pits of my soul, but simultaneously fluttering away from me. Is this fear? or nervousness? Anger?

"Much better, thank you for asking." I answer, feeling the tension in the room slowly begin to grow due to the smallest hint of malace I carried in my voice.

"Finally talking to me now?" He raises an eyebrow, pushing his shoulders back further.

"I think I've gathered enough thoughts to confront you with some questions." I state, feeling embarrassed as his eyebrows raise in amusement.

"'Confront'?!" He repeated, shifting on his feet, eyes not leaving mine. "Now, what would you like to 'confront' me about?"

I clear my throat, trying to muster some courage, "I want to know why you've done this to me-"

"Let me stop you there." He interrupts, waving a hand dismissively, my heart drops from the interruption being so forthwith. "This is something you brought upon yourself."

"Brought upon myself, huh?" Anger bubbles up, eyes growing wide, "Oh, so I just - what was it.. just sliced the flesh and muscle across my heels with your weapon rendering me unable to walk. That's my fault, I'm sorry for asking." Sarcasm laces my tone, it's been so long since I've allowed myself to lash out. It's been years due to trying to get on the Captain's good side, in a sort of accidental mirroring technique.

"You need some more rest." He reaches a hand forward and lightly brushes some strands of my hair, "This isn't like you."

He begins to walk away.

He is not just going to walk away from me.

"Levi." I announce, sternly. Anger reaching the peak of fully unleashing.

"That is Captain to you, Brat." He points a finger, raising his voice, his perfect hair now tossed out of place. "You forget who's in charge here."

"I need answers!" I become breathless, emotion overwhelming me, "You can't just leave me here, I'm bored to fucking tears and all I can think about during all the long hours of the days is where you found the integrity and audacity to take my freedom away from me." My throat tears in anguish.

To Die By Your Side  - Yandere Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now