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A sharp ringing echoes through the surrounding area bringing me back to reality. Seeing in colour once again after bright shots of lighting fill the surrounding area, I briefly glance over at my Captain. An inadvertent scoff escapes me.

Eren, that god damn idiot.

I was forced to watch and retreat as my comrades in the Levi squad just met their fate at the hands of the female titan. I've known them for years, it was my order to push onwards and get Eren as far away as possible: Eren has known them a day, yet he's turning back. How selfish.

Desperately, I look towards my commander, who emotionlessly gives me the 'go ahead' to chase for the Titan shifter.

A thunderous battle begins, the echoes of footsteps and attacks causing the Earth and trees to rumble. I feel an all too familiar ache creep through my arms, spreading throughout my body, but I continue to press on, gliding through the air as fast as I can muster. The cold air feels like needles against my exposed skin.

I remember when life was less interesting, but somehow better. Before the fall of Wall Maria and the loss of Shiganshina. Back to when I was first introduced into the Levi squad, people have been swapped in and out over the years due to unfortunate events. Things were simpler. No knowledge of titan shifters, only expeditions and desperately trying to learn more. Now I'm not sure if I want to learn more.

It was always fun helping Hange out with experiments whenever I had a spare day. I don't regret anything but if I were to go back in time and do it all over, I think I'd still be working on that farm.

I can sense I'm drawing near, the fight becoming clearer as trees quickly deplete from in front of me. The vibrations from punches and kicks were louder. Inhumane screeching piercing my eardrums. I check over my shoulder to see Levi not too far behind.

I look back forward- shit.

The Earth shook as a chase began, the female titan running from Eren. I had made it to the clearing where they had just been, swinging around a tree in order to soften my landing onto the dusty ground. Sweat slowly began forming at my temples, my hands always a little sweaty from using the ODM gear, but they were now slippery and burning hot. Titan shifters have definitely been here. Steam was still lingering in the air...

Gazing up at the dispersing steam I catch a glimpse of someone swinging calmly, hanging upsidedown. The image became clearer. Gunter. I look down from his hanging body to the floor, only for my eyes to lay upon a truly broken Petra.

I walk towards her bloody figure and can't help but frown. She was so wonderful. Now she's been discarded as if she didn't mean anything at all, crushed up against a tree as if she was an ant stepped on by a bratty child.

Captain Levi was now by my side.

"It's a shame, really." I mutter, trying to relax my facial muscles. Levi has always been nice enough, but showing too much emotion in front of him seemed wrong in a time like this. I need to appear stronger than I am.

I turn away, heading towards the direction the noise was coming from and readying myself for the journey ahead.


Before I could move any further, I hear Levi call my surname. I sniff and scratch the bridge of my nose briefly in attempt to minorly comfort myself. It's all I can do.

I look at him, "Captain?"

"This can't happen to you." His piercing eyes holding me still.

I'm taken aback due to his unpredictable words, nodding lightly. It's unlike him to show concern, I can only think of one other time he seemed slightly worried about me.

It takes me a second to respond with words, "Yes, Sir."



Pain spreads through my body as if it were the speed of light. It spread from my ankles to my brain, rational thinking was no longer an option.

My state of silent shock is replaced with screaming fear seeing blood creep towards me on the floor. I hadn't even noticed that I was no longer standing proud; I was instead curled up at Levi's feet in pure agony.

"You'll understand." his calmness juxtaposes my desperation.

His voice puts my attention on him, now understanding why he sounded slightly regretful: in his hand he holds a bloody blade. The blood isn't sizzling and evaporating to steam, but instead lingering, dripping slowly onto the floor beneath us.

I don't look at him for long before I can feel myself losing consciousness. Spots of multicoloured light dancing in my eyes. Before the darkness fully consumes me, I find myself looking at the light of the sun dripping through the leaves far above my head. A waterfall of gold gracing me as I'm bleeding out. The green leaves glowing.


I laugh along with my friends as we all sit around the table celebrating our safe return, reminiscing on our childhoods. Eld had just recently been given the title of second in command, so he was cheerier than usual, sharing a tale of when he first had a young love and how horribly awkward it was.

I wish I was promoted instead of him. I'm happy for him but I pushed myself so hard and I know Levi saw that. Oh well, there are reasons for everything. I know I have my flaws but it still feels like a kick in the gut.

"I remember my first love." I join in the fun, finally having something to add, "He was 6 years older than me and newly married."

"You're kidding!" I feel a shove on my shoulder from a fellow cadet.

"It did not work out - I hate to break it to you all." I laugh along with everyone.

"I would hope it didn't!!" Gunter sounds shocked, "You must've been too young for someone 6 years older."

"I guess you could say I like an older man." The jokes continue. "God, how old even was I?... Maybe 13?" Back in the countryside, it wasn't unusual for younger people to get married. 13 is far to young. Being in the world of the scouts is so different. I don't think it's likely I'll ever find love or get married before I die outside the walls.

I feel the back of my brain burning hot, as eyes are fixed onto me. Looking around the table, I catch eyes with a few people, as the sarcasm keeps flowing across the table, but none of the looks match the feeling of intensity of whoever is watching me.

I quickly forget, hearing a new good conversational topic.

"...have you guys ever been so drunk that-"


Hi! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Jumping in there nice and quick with the action.

To Die By Your Side  - Yandere Levi Ackerman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now