Tomorrow We Strike

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I hugged him. I could tell he was in a dark place, being told your pregnant sister was murdered by her mate would send anyone over the edge. My heart hurt from him, all this time he searched and prayed for his sister's safe return and he was never going to get that again because of Stephen. 

Xavier made his way over to us. 

"Hey Harrison, I want to catch up and see how you were doing? Ariana told me about your sister. I am so sorry." 

"Thanks man, I appreciate that more than you know." 

"No worries, I just want to say again that I am grateful to you and your pack for helping us out with this." 

"No need to thank us, I have my own reasons for wanting Stephen dead. I do have one favour to ask." Harrison said. 

"What's that?" Xavier questioned.

"I have to be the one that kills Stephen. I need to avenge my sister. I won't be able to heal without knowing that bastard is still breathing." 

"I think that it is only fair. If you feel that is what you need to do. I won't take that away from you. As long as I am allowed to get a few punches in." Xavier laughed.

"Me too." I interupted.

"Of course. Thank you." 

They hugged and Harrison went over to his pack to finish training. 

Xavier and I headed to our pack to watch them. They all seemed to be doing really well. The pack always did well to be honest. Xavier and his dad always made sure that the pack were always trained for anything. Mick always said that it was better to be prepared for anything than to not be prepared at all and it really shows. The pack was immaculate when it came to fighting or defending themselves. Now I know you are probably wondering why we need the extra help from other packs if we are well prepared but the thing is when going into a fight with a rogue pack, is that they fight dirty. They do certain things in a fight that gives them a slight advantage. Plus Stephan is a former Alpha, and now he is in control of a rogue pack. There is no doubt that he will use some of the those tricks and schemes to his advantage. 

As we watched on my phone began to ring. Tiffany's name flashed up on the screen. 


"Ariana, I don't have long.

"What's up? Any updates?" I asked. 

"Stephen plans to attack tomorrow. I am not sure but it is tomorrow. He is planning to use me to help sneak into the pack undected."

"What are you going to do?" I asked. 

"I am planning to leave tonight. There is no way I am helping him, he can go fuck himself.

"Okay, just be careful." I said.

"Look at you being all worried for me. It is kind of sweet." 

"Don't make me regret it." 

"I am kidding. I need to go. Someone is coming, see you soon." She whispered.  

She hung up the phone and I ran to tell Xavier. 

Once Xavier heard the news he called everyone together. 

"Gather around everyone. I have some news." He shouted. 

Everyone came together and stood in front of him. 

"I have just been informed that Stephen intends to come tomorrow and set out his plans to attack us. This is what we have been preparing for and now the time has come. I know some of you are probably nervous as this is your first time being in a fight like this but we have got this. We are a team, we are a pack. Yes, we may all orginate from different packs but tomorrow we fight as one. I can't promise you that it will be easy and I can't promise you that we will all make it out alive but I am honoured to a have fought alongside every single one of you despire the outcome. I am grateful for everyones help and support. May the Moon Goddess be in our favour." 

Rejected And Pregnant, Great!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz