The Search

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You, bigby, Snow, bufkin and Dr. Swineheart were in the business office. Dr. Swineheart just finished healing bigby so bigby still had his shirt off. You were fine the bullets went through your leg and your regeneration healed the buckshot wound.

Dr. Swineheart: I did as well as I could to take out the buckshot, but there's still some shards left embedded in your shoulder. They'll eventually worm their way out on their own, but...until they do you're gonna be sore.

Bufkin was fixing the broken mirror by putting the mirror shards in it.

Snow White: bigby, Dr. Swineheart was appointed Fabletown physician for a reason.

Dr. Swineheart: it's okay, there's only one thing you have to take away from all this: take it easy.

Bigby stopped leaning on the desk and cracked his shoulder.

Bigby: are you okay? *asks snow*

You noticed the concern in his voice. you smiled at that.

Snow White: yeah, I'm good.

Bigby: is she?

Dr. Swineheart: she's fine bigby. I had everyone that got wounded sent home. Holly refused to let me see where she lived, so I let her and Grendel back at her bar with a dose of juniper and spring water. Just remember what I said. The stitches if you continue to act... like you normally do.

Bigby: I'll try to.

Dr. Swineheart: very good then.

The phone rings and snow answers it.

Snow White: business office. I know, I'll have to call you back. *hangs up* the town is starting to find out...

Dr. Swineheart: well, I'll leave you three to it then. Snow. Bigby. Y/n.*leaves the business office*

Snow walked over to bigby trying to not look his muscles blushing. She looked at you. You smirked knowing that you know about her liking bigby. She blushs even more.

Snow White: so... to recap...

Bigby: *goes to get dressed* Crane watched me and headless through the Magic Mirror uncover his room at the Open Arms. Then he smashed it so we couldn't use it ourselves to go after him. And we know this because bufkin was drinking in the the rafters. *finished getting dressed* that about cover it?

Snow White: once he puts all the pieces back together... it'll be easy to catch Crane. So... I quess that's the plan.

Bigby is adjusting his tie as he walked to Snow.

Bigby: we don't have time to wait for the mirror. Crane could be getting on a train right now.

Snow White: well, I don't wanna to just go running off into the night without some direction. What the hell is going on. Just... I don't know what the tweedledees get out of this. I- I don't know if crane sent them, I don't know if... I mean, this is gonna sound crazy, but... do you two really think crane did it?

You nodded that it was him for killing Lily.

Bigby: from what me and headless saw at the Open Arms... everything points to Crane murdering Lily. What isn't adding up for me is Faith. Why would he kill her? It doesn't seem connected.

You agreed on him on that part too.

Snow White: yeah, it doesn't make sense. He's... he was a conniver, a... a coward, a liar. And I'll always hate him for that. And I'll hate him for how he... held me in his thoughts. But murdering prostitutes...

Bufkin: *cuts himself on a shard* ow.

Snow White: everything okay over there?

Bufkin: yes, Miss White! Just cut myself on a piece of class. Nothing to worry about!

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