You two Leave Crane Alone, We'll Leave You Alone

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You still couldn't believe your eyes. It was crane this whole fucking time and it started to make how suspicious and creepy he was around snow looking at her up and down all pervert like.

Bigby: l'll kill him! Rip him apart!

You cackled in anger and agreed with him.

Beauty: crane? Ugh! God, you think you know a person. Bigby you have to tell her.

Bigby: I know! *says as he walks down the stairs with y/n*

Beast: what happened up there?

Bigby: not right now Beast. *picks up the payline phone and finds out the line was cut* shit!

Beauty: crane's been- *Bigby slammed the payline phone on the ground in anger* whoa! Bigby, calm down.

Bigby: that perverted little fucker might be after snow. We to find her right now headless

You agreed with anger.

Beauty: okay, it's-- it's going to be okay. Where did you see her last? Did she say where she was going?

Bigby: she took holly to the business prepare for the funeral.

Beast: Lily's funeral?

Beauty: how did you-

Beast: I was just at the Trip Trap, and I heard gren telling some folks about a funeral at the Buckingham Bridge-

Beauty: the Trip Trap? You were drinking-

Bigby: when?

Beast: right now, they were on there way out.

Bigby and you left the building you went to driver's side of your car and bigby went to the passenger side

Beauty: wait! Snow's been through a lot. There are things she doesn't talk about.

Bigby: what are you trying to say?

Beauty: you know how you felt when you saw that picture? Well, it's gonna much worse for her. Just remember that.

You get in your car and so does bigby you drove to The Buckingham Bridge. You both get out. Bigby opened the gate and walked in you walked in after. You seen Snow giving a speech about Lily's passing she shook her head. Bigby didn't want to interrupt so he decided to wait then you noticed prince Lawrence sitting alone. You walked over.

Prince Lawrence: oh...uh..Deputy. I'm as well as you'd think. I haven't had any other,'s never been as bad as when you saw me, ar least. I was angry at first, at first...when I heard Lily was getting a funeral. That holly was getting... "closure." I wanted that, too and I wanted it for Faith. But, then I remembered...Faith lived a story Lily never did. She had her adventure, she got to live in the light of "forever after" with me...for a while. I know your sorry Deputy and thanks for saving my life. Take care of things, okay?

You decided to read everyone's final goodbye to Lily.

Holly letter: "I'll miss worrying about you. I'll miss our fights. I'll miss you."

Vivian letter: "now you will never die In difference or had lived a tedious life. Goodbye sweetheart thanks for everything"

Gren letter: "you were a big bright shining star in this shithole of a town i miss you already"

Holly noticed bigby and you.

Holly: no, not you two.

Snow White: holly its-

Holly: they weren't fucking invited.

Snow White: holly wait-

Holly: they have no right to be here. Not after what they did.

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