The Interrogation Of Dee

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You are with bigby in a Interrogation you were looking at the picture of Snow White's head.

Detective Brannigan: Mr. Wolf and Mr. headless!

Detective Brannigan: you two are making this more difficult than it needs it has to be.

Detective Brannigan: if you two would just cooperate and answer the questions, you two can go home. Maybe get some sleep.

Detective Brannigan: How are you two feeling?

Detective Brannigan: I know. It's been a long for you two.

You don't do anything and detective Brannigan just looks at you.

Bigby: hunky dory. Thanks for asking.

Detective Brannigan: no need to get aggressive. I'm trying to help you two. Why don't you Mr. headless talk *points at you*

Bigby: he can't. never wants to and never will.

Detective Brannigan: *sighs* look...I know what you two must be going through...really I do

You were angry when you heard her say that

Bigby: ya know, I hate to say it, but I don't think you do.

Detective Brannigan: of''re right. I can't imagine what you two are going through right now.

Bigby: what is it with you cops always trying to empathize with people?

Bigby: "I know this must be for you." Do you? Do you fucking know? Have you had a friend killed and head left at your fucking Doorstep?

Detective Brannigan:.......

Bigby: didn't think so.

Bigby: your nose is bleeding.

Detective nose is bleeding. She wipes it sloppy and she missed a spot. You wonder what the fuck is going on

Bigby: are you....okay? You don't look so good?

She dosent answer just staring at you and bigby.

Bigby: detective Brannigan?

Detective Brannigan: I'm detective Brannigan.

Bigby: uh yeah. We know I know...I just said that. Is there something--

Detective Brannigan: do you two hear that?

She grabbed her ear in pain.

Detective Brannigan: please...please

We hear cops hitting the glass next to us.

Detective Brannigan: I'm sorry, just...*she puts her hands on the table* make it stop...please *she passes out*

You and bigby look at her and what the fuck happened

Crane walked in with a evidence box

Crane: we have to go. now!

Bigby: what did you do to her?

Crane: she'll be fine.

Crane: it's just a memory wipe spell. Very expensive, but it works.

Crane: the whole station will forget the last 24 hours and everything they saw at The Woodlands.

Crane: well, hurry up you two

Crane is driving in the city with bigby in the passenger seat and me in the back. There's also a lot of traffic.

Bigby clears his throat first and crane clears his throat next.

Bigby: this doesn'tchange anything.

Crane: fine.

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