A Head On Your Doorstep

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You and bigby wolf arrived at the woodland apartments we entered through the gates and started going to the front door. We hear bushs rustling to the side of us and we could see someone faintly trying to hide behind the tree.

Bigby: there's no walking on the grass. Snow White's orders. She made a sign and everything.

???: I'll be sure to send her an apology.

Bigby: beauty...

Y/n cackled and waves at beauty
Beauty waved at you back

Beauty: hello bigby and y/n. I... wasn't expecting you both.

Bigby: your out pretty late...

Beauty: is there some sort of curfew I don't know about? What's with the third degree. Please, bigby and y/n promise me you won't tell beast you saw me.

Bigby: we promise

Beauty: thanks Bigby and y/n. It's not...what you might be thinking *she leaves through the gates out into the streets*
You and bigby go through the doors to the inside.

We see Grimble the security officer sleeping to our right. We checked our mail to the left. Nothing for bigby or you.

Bigby: seventh day in a row what about you headless
Y/n does five with his fingers indicating he hasn't gotten mail in five days.

Bigby: lucky...

You noticed bigby apartment name on the floor you pick it up and over in the empty spot

Bigby: how many days of this shit but thanks headless
Y/n gives thumbs up. Bigby pressed the button for the elevator and we wait when it arrived we go in.
Beast runs down the stairs he walks by the elevator

Beast: hey! guys! Wait up. *he stopped the elevator for going up* have either you two seen my wife? Have you seen beauty?
Y/n shakes his head

Bigby: nope we haven't seen her

Beast: oh...okay. Sorry to bother you two. Damnit....something's going on. *leaves and goes outside*
We go up in the elevator.

We reached our floor and started going home. You reached your apartment and waves goodbye to bigby.

Bigby: night headless *he goes into his apartment*
You go into yours. You go to the bathroom, to your medince cabinet you opened it and take your prescription pills. You go into the living watched some TV. While watching tv you fall asleep on couch.

A knock at your door awakes you you opened it. It's snow White

Snow White: hello y/n

You waved hello

Snow White: there's something I need to show you and bigby.
You go to his apartment she knocked on the door. Bigby opened the door.

Snow White: bigby!

You waved hello to bigby and he waved back.

Bigby: snow and headless?

Snow White: come with us.

We started to head towards the elevator.

Bigby: Snow. Snow!

Snow White: what?

Y/n cackled and patted bigby on the shoulder

Snow White: sorry....im....

Bigby: what happened.

Snow White: I just cant get into it right this second. We need to--

Someone on the corner left runs into us

???: hi

Snow: hello. Good morning. Or...evening

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