The Trip Trap

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When you opened my eyes you seen bigby and snow kneeling in fornt of you

Bigby: you alright headless

Snow: your sleeping in ally are you alright

You nodded

Snow: alright we came in just in time to see two large men get into a car and leave you here

Bigby helps you get up

Bigby: where did he say they were going

You demonstrated you drinking

Bigby: trip trap

You nodded

Snow: go get your car we'll go there

When you are driving there snow White and bigby are sitting in the back. You weren't paying attention to what they were saying because you were focused on the road. When you arrived at the trip trap you, bigby get out. You handed snow your car keys.

Snow White: bigby. careful, please.

Bigby: always

We head inside we see someone at the bar drinking sitting on a stool and bartender come from the back. she looked shocked to see us both. The guy drinking was giving us the side eye

Bartender: what do you two want?

Bigby: we are looking for the Woodsman

Bartender: well, he's not here. So, I quess you two can go now.

Bigby: look, im not even gonna ask where he is now, okay? Me and deputy here wanna know the last time he was here. That's all.

Bartender: who?

Bigby: I'm being nice. So try again.

Bartender: he hasn't been here in a few weeks. *she looked at the drinker and he shakes his head you noticed it I look at her* no...maybe. I don't know. But yeah, he hasn't been here in a while if he's here at all... which...I...I don't know.

Bigby: does he tell you when to close, too?

Bartender: nope, and he doesn't tell when to tell you to fuck off.

You sat in the stool on the right off the drinking man. Bigby sat in the stool on the left.

Drinking man: lot of stools in this bar you two

Bigby: yea we sat by you

You cackled at what he said and it creeped the bartender out.

Bartender: *isn't scared anymore* You two gonna order something, or you just sit here to bother my customers

You look behind you and cackled at her.

Bartender: *kind of scared* y-you know what I mean

Bigby: gimme a minus gold.

Bartender: you want a lime.

Bigby: sure.

Bartender: I think they some at the bar down the street.

Drinking man laughs.

Bigby: you think it's funny.

Drinking man: yup. Think it's fuckin' hilarious. *drinks*

Bigby: it was alright. This is serious, holly. Harboring a fugitive is gonna get in as much trouble as he's in. You could lose everything.

A toilet flushed in the back where holly came from. The Woodsman comes out.

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