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I sat on the picnic blanket as all of us watched the sunset. Well, not all of us...Ink didn't want to join. I tried to persuade him into it but he didn't listen. I softly sighed at the thought of Ink's stubbornness. The striking and beautiful mixed colours made it hard to believe that it was real. It's his fault that he missed this beautiful scenery. The sky was a mix of striking shades of orange, yellow, blue and some pink.


The sun made your skin glow and shimmer as it's orange rays hit you. Nightmare looked up from the book he was reading. His eye slightly widens at the sight of you. He stared at you with mixed feelings. Lately, he has been feeling confused and frustrated. He felt these happy, cringy emotions whenever he's around you. He can tell that the others have been feeling these emotions too. He sighs as he continues to stare at you, unconsciously cracking a tiny smile.

"Nightmare..." Dream's voice called his name, making him roll his eyes and scowl. Nightmare frowns as he felt his "brother's" presence beside him. He looks at the skeleton beside him, the scowl still on his face. Dream was unfazed at the negative being's mood as he looked at what Nightmare was gazing at. Dream smiles and faintly blushes as he caught sight of your charming figure. He stood there for a minute before his eyes widen in realization. Nightmare went back to his book as he felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of his skull. "You like them...Don't you?" Dream asked, his smile growing.

Nightmare stayed silent, a bit of blush coating his cheeks. Dream gasps loudly at Nightmare's silence, taking it as a yes. "I don't like anybody." Nightmare states.

Dream laughs in amusement. "Nightmare's in love~" Dream sings, grinning at the fact that Nightmare was able to feel the emotion, love. But Dream couldn't stop himself from feeling a bit sad. He knew that everybody here, including himself, had developed feelings for you. You would have to decide and choose, but whoever you picked, he would be happy if you were happy.

"Nightmare has a crush?" Killer joins the chat, quirking a brow. The murder time trio overheard the twins conversation and found it a chance to tease their boss.

"No, I don't. Dream stop spreading these false facts," Nightmare glares at Dream, the heat on his cheeks slowly rising.

"It's true facts! I was going to ask why you were spending more time with us now. I figured it out before I could ask," Dream snickers and shook his skull.

"Huh...Never expected that from you boss," Dust smirks and laughs at the thought of Nightmare having a significant other. Nightmare's blush increases as he listened to them tease him.

"Dust. Shut your mouth," the tips of Nightmare's tentacles sharpen as he glares at Dust.

"So then...judging by Dream's words...Is it someone...here..?" Horror pointed out, making Dust and Killer curious to who it was. The murder time trio scanned the area, their eyelights snapping at you and then at their boss. All three of them went silent as they guessed who it is.

"Are you imbeciles deaf? As I said before, I don't like anyone!" Nightmare said, burying his face into his book. Like? Love? You? That's impossible. He's incapable of feeling emotions like love. But then again, it explains the flutter in his chest whenever you interacted with him. He scoffs at his positive behavior. Ugh...

Dream decided to take a stroll and find some flowers for you. Dust and Killer continued to bully their boss, ignoring the fact that Nightmare could have romantic feelings for you. On the other hand, Horror quietly stood in his spot, watching you from where he was standing. He was contemplating if he should walk over there and cuddle you. Horror was not going to lie. He liked being in your arms. It made his being tingle when he felt your fingers cautiously caress his skull. Horror made it a daily thing to cuddle up to your form. He watched as Lust and Swap began a conversation with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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