A Head Injury

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'Ugh.... what happened?' I thought. My head was aching, and my vision was blurred.


I looked over to the noise and saw a blue blob. "H31!o! H0w qrE UoY f3el..liN9??" it asked. I looked at it with confusion. I didn't understand what it was saying.

Then there was an awkward silence. It stared at me which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I shifted a bit on what it feels like a bed...? I wanted to break the silence, but I couldn't think of anything good to say...So I decided to ask a question.

"Hey, umm..blue blob?" It hummed which probably meant that it was listening. "Where am I?" it became silent once more. 'Did I say something wrong?' I thought in my head. "Y0ur'e at T4e H0spItal" it responded. My hearing was getting better, but I still couldn't understand them well. "Um..Could you say that again?" "You're at the hospital..." It responded with a calm and soothing voice.

'The hospital...? WAIT-THE HOSPITAL?!' I shouted in my head. "Yes, Darling, the hospital... well to be specific the H.A.M(Human and Monster) hospital." Oops...Looks like I shouted that out loud. My vision cleared. I looked over to the blue blob and saw a nurse sitting beside my hospital bed.

They looked at me and waved. They grabbed a cardboard clipboard and said that I have been knocked out for 4 hours. "You have a severe head injury," they said while writing something down on the clipboard. "We called your café boss and said that you won't be able to go to work till' your head is done healing."

"So, rest..." they simply said. "I can't rest... I have to help prepare the flower festival with the host." I said to the nurse, and she shook her head in response. "I'm sorry, but you must cancel all of your plans for now." I frowned at that statement but didn't want to give up yet. For 6 minutes, I was trying to convince the nurse that I could go but my attempts on trying failed until...

"Y/N!!!" someone shouted as they broke the door open. I held my head because it was aching from all the noise. I looked up and saw BF/N. (Best friend's name) they looked worried and panicked. "Are you okay?!?!" they asked in a concerned voice. I nod my head. They let out a sigh of relief. "Good, anyways, Alice said that you are helping them prepare the flower festival" I sighed and explained to them that I can't because of my head.

"And yea that's pretty much it," I said with a frown. "Aw... That's a bum-" "But..." the nurse cut off BF/N. " I can make an exception". I looked over to the nurse, who I'd forgotten was still in the room. They smiled when they saw the hopeful look on my face.

" Well, you're going to need a wheelchair. And since your friend is here... I was thinking if they can push you around so you can help the host(s) prepare for the flower festival. You can stand up for a short amount of time. Like about 10 minutes but, after those ten minutes, you must sit down and rest. Ok?" the nurse explained. I looked up at BF/N excitedly. They looked back at me and nodded. "Of course," I said with excitement in my voice.


Another chapter done! This chapter is about the injuries you made when ????? threw you against a wall.

This was supposed to be called "A Head Injury and Flowers" but I became too lazy for that so it's just called A Head Injury.

(I know that some of your Best-Friends will sometimes tease you but let's just pretend that they won't in this story.....well....just for now-)

The next chapter is about you helping Me and my friends host and prepare for the flower festival. And guess what! you met Ex/Bf/n and the Bad Sanses again.

Watch out Ex/Bf/n! Karmas coming at you 😈 😈🔪🔪

Have a good day/night/noon/afternoon/evening/e.t.c

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