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I feel like the image above would be the dining area. The image is also not mine! Found it on Google.



"Woah! Killer wait!" I exclaimed, tugging my hand. He teleported. I felt nauseous and closed my eyes shut until the process was over. We landed and I open my eyes to see a bathroom. I blinked as I took a glimpse of my appearance in the mirror in front of us. "Ew." I simply said, inspecting myself. I turned to face Killer. "Alright. If I am going to take a shower, what am I going to wear afterward?" I asked because I am most definitely not wearing these dusty, crusty, musty clothes again. "Don't worry about it" he replied. "Glowing highlighter got you covered," I paused. "Is that a nickname for Dream?" I questioned. Killer grins as a way to say "Yep". I shake my head in response and chuckle.

"Now shoo, I'm going to take a shower," I said, kicking Killer out of the bathroom. "Oh, yea, and guard the door for me, please?" I shouted so Killer could hear me from the other side of the door. I locked the door, even though I knew it was useless against these magical skeletons. I waited for the water temperature to change to my liking, and once it was cold/warm/hot enough I went in. Surprisingly, there was an unopened shampoo and conditioner bottle waiting to be used. This made it a lot easier for me to shower.





A knock came from the other side of the door as I stepped out of the shower and put on the clean robe that Killer hung on one of the bathroom hooks. I ensured the tie around my waist was secure and slightly opened the door to see Dream with a comb and outfit in his hand. I poked my hand out as a sign to tell Dream to give them to me. Dream drops the comb in my hands and gently sets the clothes on my arm. I thanked him before closing the door again. I looked and examined the clothes he gave me. It is a simple outfit, a black shirt, black shorts and a pair of socks. There was a tiny purple signature near the edge of the shirt's sleeve. It read: ᒪᑘSᖶ!SᗩᘉS. Oh... Lust must have made this! A small smile formed on my face. I should thank him later.

I finished combing my damp hair and put the clothes on. I feel so refreshed! I take one last look in the mirror before walking out. I find Lust platonically flirting with Dream, who laughs at the pick-up lines, and Killer standing to the side. Lust looks at me and lights up. Dream and Killer follow his gaze. "You look fabulous!" He compliments, circling and admiring me. I blush at the compliment. "Thank you..."

"This was my first sewing project" he states, stopping the circling. My eyes widen in amazement. "Really? It's like a professional made this!" I tell him. If I were to do this, I would be taking most of the time trying to put the string through the needle. "I could have done better though," he said, scratching the back of his skull and shyly grinning.

"TIME FOR LUNCH!!" someone shouted.


I turned my head toward the noise of numerous footsteps strutting toward us, and unexpectedly, Killer shoves me back into the bathroom and switches the lights off. I jiggle the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge. I focus on the door, which was sealed by a blue hue of magic. Well, that explains why the door wouldn't open. I stand still in the pitch-black dark bathroom as I decide to listen to Killer, Lust, and Dream talking with other residents of the mansion.

"I don't get why they hid you. You were going to reveal yourself anyways." one of my AUs spoke up. I shrugged. "I don't know. They probably did it so, the new skeletons wouldn't snitch to EX/BF/N before I introduce myself" I whispered, still eavesdropping on the conversation outside. "Makes sense," my AU agreed to my conclusion. Uh...Which AU was this one? Hm... I should give each of my AUs a nickname to lessen the confusion. I called out to them. "Hey, AUs? Are you still there?" "Yep!" "Mhm..." "Hmm?" 3 out of the 5 AUs answered. "What would you like me to call each of you?" I quietly asked. "Why are you asking at a time like this?" my AU with a calming, sleepy voice confusingly questioned. "It's going to get chaotic if I keep dubbing each of you "AUs". You need nicknames so I wouldn't get confused about who is who," I replied to my AU's confusion.

The talking outside stops and the blue hue around the door vanishes. "We can talk about our names later," my AU with a confident voice said. "Ok then. Talk to you later," I said. I watched a bit of light shine through the crack of the door as it opens slightly. The door opens wider as I hear the sound of footsteps fading away. Lust's skull peaks into the dark room. His white eye lights scanned around his surroundings before landing on me. He gives me a comforting smile. "You can come out now!" he informs me. I nod and take a step out of the bathroom. "Where's Dream and Killer?" I asked Lust, studying the space in front of us. "They escorted Cross and Fell to Lunch," Who?

I furrowed my eyebrows and Lust chuckled. "I see. You haven't met them yet, have you?" "I mean yea, EX/BF/N had isolated me in a basement and instructed the residents of the mansion to not visit me," "Hm. True" Lust said in response.

"LUST! ARE YOU COMING DOWN!" someone shouted.

"YEA! COMING!" Lust yelled back to the calling voice, gently holding my hand in his. Killer, you better take notes 'cause this is the way you should be dragging me. Lust guides me into a dining room full of skeletons, and my mouth formed into an 'o' when I remembered that I was going to join the skeletons for lunch.

I wonder how well this is going to go.

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