4: Promise

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One sunny afternoon, Jay and Nya sat on their favorite park bench, enjoying the gentle breeze.

"Nya, I have something important to ask you," Jay said, his eyes shining with determination.

Nya turned to face him.
"What is it, Jay?"
"I promise to love and cherish you every single day for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" Jay asked, getting down on one knee, and pulling out a small velvet box from his back pocket.

Nya's heart skipped a beat as tears of joy welled up in her eyes.

"Yes, Jay! I promise to be by your side always, through thick and thin."

As they embraced, their promise sealed with a passionate kiss, they couldn't help but imagine a future filled with love and adventure.

The wedding preparations began, and their friends and family were overjoyed for the couple who embodied the essence of unity.


On their wedding day, Jay and Nya stood before their loved ones, exchanging heartfelt vows.

"I promise to support you in all your endeavors and encourage you to chase your dreams. I promise to be your rock, your confidant, and your best friend." Nya said, her voice filled with love.

Jay smiled, his eyes brimming with happiness.
"And I promise to be your constant source of strength, to protect and cherish you, to make you laugh even on the darkest days."

As they exchanged rings, their promises became more than just words; they became a lifelong commitment.

Their love grew deeper with each passing day, and they faced life's challenges hand in hand.


Years later, as they sat on the same park bench, watching the sunset, Jay spoke softly, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Nya, remember the promises we made to each other on our wedding day?"

Nya nodded, her eyes filled with love and gratitude.
"Of course, Jay. Those promises are etched in my heart."

Jay took her hand in his, his voice filled with emotion.
"I promise to continue loving you fiercely, to always be there for you, till the end of time."

Nya smiled, her heart overflowing with happiness.
"And I promise to never stop loving you, to always support and stand beside you."


Hope you liked this chapter😊

Bye for now👋



Words: 382

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