XXXII. Going Rogue

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Third Person's POV

"I... I don't know what to do anymore. Bjorn... Lisa... I'm sorry. I failed both of you. I should have been there with you two when it all began. We could have dealt with it together like back in the days." Principal Blake's tears trickled down her cheeks, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I couldn't protect Gunvald as you like." Principal Blake continued.


As the day continued to wind down and the deadline drew near, nobody could figure out the whereabouts of Gunvald. 

Third Person's POV

Enid and Xavier were tasked to get rest but instead asked the help of the other Nightshades to go look for Gunvald. 

- - - - - 

"Where the hell is he? We've been searching for hours but we couldn't find him anywhere." Kent grumbled, "Did something happen?" Bianca asked Enid, "We... we can't say the reason." Enid replied, "Maybe he just got scared and abandoned Nevermore. I knew he was a coward." Kent accused, "Says the guy who attacked Gunvald in the back when he was embarrassed." Xavier retorted.

"What did you say?!" Kent headed towards Xavier, "I'm just saying the truth. You're running your mouth because he's not here. Did you forget that he laid you out numerous times?" Xavier clapped back and Kent was about  to attack when Enid went between them. 

"That's enough." Enid said then  she turned towards Kent, "Don't you ever say that Gunvald is a coward.", "Or what?" Kent mocked, "Or I'm the one who's gonna rip you apart." Enid stated as she slowly transformed into her werewolf form but stopped mid way, just to prove her point. 

Everybody around them were surprised except Yoko, seeing Enid transformed. "Wait... How did you do that?" Xavier looked up in the sky just to make sure that there was no full moon, "Yeah, just like the ones from APEX." Bianca was baffled as well, Enid held out the necklace on her neck, "A gift from Gunvald, a Moon fragment. It allows us werewolves to harness the power of the moon whenever we want, allowing us to transform.", "So the ones from APEX are using that as well. Do you have more of that Moon fragment?" Bianca replied, Enid shook his head, "So we still have no chance to take on the full force of  APEX." Bianca muttered, "Let's figure that out at another time, we still have a bigger problem at hand. Where is Gunvald?" Bianca continued. 

No one was able to answer, "You two... you know the reason why he disappeared, don't you?" Bianca pointed at Enid and Xavier and they both nodded, "Is it because of you, Enid?" Bianca asked, "No... it's much more personal." Enid replied, "Just tell us the reason!" Kent exclaimed, "I can't!" Enid shouted in reply, "Okay... Okay... We won't push any further. Let's just hope he shows up for tomorrow. Let's get some rest." Bianca announced which the others agreed to. 

- - - - - 

The Nightshades reported at Principal Blake's office. "Is everyone here?" Principal Blake asked, "Uhm... Gunvald is nowhere to be found, ma'am." Bianca replied, "Let's head out." Principal Blake stated ignoring Bianca's reply, " But..." Bianca tried to say, "I'll handle it so just follow me." Principal Blake cut her off. The Nightshades looked at each other with worried eyes, having no idea of what was happening, they reluctantly followed Principal Blake. 

Principal Blake was walking with a blank but serious expression on her face as she lead the Nightshades towards the area they agreed upon. 

"Hey Bianca, what's the plan here?" Kent asked, "There's no other choice. If a fight breaks off, we fight. Prepare your weapons and be ready." Bianca replied, the Nightshades obliged the command as they clenched their rapiers and bow. 

The deadline was just a few minutes away and the tension in the air is suffocating. Everybody in the Nightshades were on high alert, "Have you heard anything from Gunvald?" Xavier asked Enid, "No, you?" Enid replied, "Same." Xavier said, "Where are you, Gunvald?"  Enid thought.

The agreed time came upon, Principal Blake and the Nightshades waited. The Nightshades was on full alert, ready to jump in action when it comes to, even the wind blowing or a rustling of grass pushes them to the edge. 

Thirty minutes passed by and there was still no sign of APEX, they were starting to get relaxed when suddenly a strong scent of copper and iron was carried by the wind and filled the area they were in.  

"Where is that coming from?" Xavier asked as he scanned all over the tree line, "Form a circle around the principal and draw out your rapiers!" Bianca announced, "Based on the smell, we're already surrounded." Enid deducted through her keen sense of smell, then they suddenly saw a large figure walk out of the forest in front of their position. 

"There!" Divina pointed, "Ready!" Bianca instructed as the large figure continued to walk forward but as it gets closer and closer, Enid realized who it was. "Wait! It's Gunvald!" Enid exclaimed, Gunvald was in his full yeti form but there was something different from the one she saw before, the fur that was white as snow was now dyed in crimson red. 

"Is that what I think it is?" Yoko asked as she saw Gunvald carrying something on his shoulder, Gunvald was carrying eight bloodied, battered, and unrecognizable bodies. 

He dropped them in front of Principal Blake as he stared down at her with his red eyes. 

They now realized that the strong pungent smell of blood was coming from Gunvald, he took care of the people sent by APEX before they could even step foot on Nevermore Academy grounds. 

Gunvald reverted to his partial yeti form, "Did you know?" Gunvald asked in his beast voice, it was a question directed to Principal Blake but she didn't say anything, "DID YOU KNOW?!" the question turned into a roar, "Gun-" Enid was a bout to say something but a glare coming from Gunvald made her stop, "What do you think you are doing?" Kent stepped forward pointing his rapier towards Gunvald and everyone there knew that was a horrible idea.

Gunvald ignored him and turned back to Principal Blake, "ANSWER ME! DID YOU KNOW?". Kent suddenly grabbed Gunvald by his shoulder, "Hey, I'm asking you a quest-" but before he can even finish his sentence, a left hand met his face with incredible force that he flew about fifteen feet away, the other Nightshades were frozen on the spot since they didn't saw what happened. 

"This is the last time I'll ask you. Did you know?" Gunvald asked Principal Blake again, "Yes." she replied, Gunvald held a stern expression, "How long?", "Since you arrived." then she pulled an envelope out from her pocket and handed it to him, Gunvald took it from her and it read; 

"Jane, I need a favor. Please protect my son. - Lisa."   

Gunvald's hand shook a little as he read the letter, "You knew and you didn't told me. I could've-", "You wouldn't be able to do a thing! You'll be just a burden to them! That was the reason they sent you here." Principal Blake snapped back at Gunvald, "Yeah... That was the reason. So I'll not burden you and everyone here anymore. I'm going back home." Gunvald declared and started walking away, "Gunvald, wait!" Enid shouted and her voice made her pause but he continued walking, Enid ran after him and stood in front him which made him stop. 

Enid wrapped her arms around him, "I'm sorry. I can't even imagined what you are going through right now.", "You can't leave. It's dangerous for you to be out in the open. Let us help you, let me help you." Enid pleaded, "Let me go." Gunvald replied as he removed himself from Enid's arms. 

Then suddenly, huge vines burst out under Gunvald's feet and wrapped around him. "I can't let you leave." Principal Blake said but the vines were no match for Gunvald's monstrous strength and he ripped through them with ease, the Nightshades were about to make their move when Gunvald let out a gut-wrenching roar, freezing them at where they stood and hindering them from taking any action. 

"Stop me and you wouldn't need to wait for those APEX bastards, I'll destroy this place myself." Gunvald threatened.

Author's Note:

This is King AnoniMus. I just want to thank you all for hitting another milestone. Thank you for 10k reads. I appreciate you all. Again, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

Expect the Unexpected (An Enid Sinclair x Male OC Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum