XX. Still Not a Date

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Gunvald's POV

"Maybe it's just me but I think she likes you too." Xavier added which made me looked at him, "Really?" I asked with widened eyes.  

"That's just what I think. You should  confess to her already." Xavier said, "But... What if she doesn't like me back and she  starts to avoid me. I don't want that to happen." just the thought of it happening freaks me out, "That's life, man. At least you were able to tell her the truth. If not, it'll be eating you up till the you die." he followed, "That's deep." I replied, "I'm secretly an old guy full of wisdom, who lived for thousands of years." Xavier remarked which made me burst out in laughter.

- - - - -

It has been a week or so since my initiation to the Nightshades and there were no signs of Ajax or the APEX which in a way was concerning since it could mean that they are planning and preparing for something big.

I should be focused on that but my mind is somewhere else since today is the day that me and Enid will go to dinner. I know that it's supposed to be a normal dinner between two friends but Xavier's words made me think if I should tell her what I truly feel. 

Since its a weekend, there were no classes so I spent my morning, jogging and working out, trying to take my mind off things. 

It worked for a while but as soon as I finished, I started to think of them again so I just went back to the Monstera Hall to take a bath and do some assignment and unfinished projects. 

I ate lunch in the cafeteria by myself since I couldn't find Xavier anywhere then I went for a walk to try and calm myself since I was getting nervous because of the thought of confessing my feeling to Enid. 

I was walking mindlessly and not looking at where I was going, "What are you thinking about?" I got surprised, I immediately looked at my side and saw Enid next to me, "E-Enid?" I blabbered, "Hi!" she smiled at me, "How can someone be so beautiful just by smiling?" I thought staring at her, "Gunvald? Is there something on my face?" she asked me, "Uh... No-no... Hi." I replied, "What are you doing here?" I asked, "Me? Nothing. I'm just walking around. You?" she replied, "I'm just walking around too." I told her, "When do you think they'll come?" she asked and I saw her eyes became sad, "I don't have any idea. We should always be prepared." I told her, "Yeah..." she responded, "You think you can fight him?" I asked reluctantly since I don't want her to say something in the lines of 'I don't think I can fight him' or 'I still love him' so I was anticipating her response, we covered a short distance before she replied. 

"He's an enemy. I'll fight him when the time comes." she declared and I felt relief, "Uhm... Are you ready for later?" I asked her trying to lighten up the mood, "Yup. I already prepared what I'm gonna wear later." she grinned, "How about you? Are you excited?" she asked, "Yeah. There's nothing more exciting than free food." I joked and she started laughing, "And I thought, you were excited because we're going together but food is more important." she said and I laughed trying to hide the fact that I could feel my face heating up.

We sat on bench to rest, "By the way, I wanted to ask, where did you get the spandex unitard you were wearing when we fought?" I asked, "It was custom-made because whenever I transformed I ripped off the clothes I was wearing and ending up naked." she told me, "Why are you asking?" she added, "I think I might need it since my dad when he transforms to his full yeti form, he grows almost twice his size. I don't want to be naked when that time comes." I responded, "True. I can take you to the shop where I got my suit made." she said, "Really? Thanks." I thanked her, "You're welcome." she smiled and my heart skipped a beat once again, I looked away so that she won't see my face completely dyed red.

We spent a few minutes more chatting before we separated, I ran back to the Monstera Hall and quickly opened my cabinet to look for something decent to wear, I threw all the clothes I have on my bed to see if anything was presentable enough. 

I realized that I don't have any clothes other than sweaters and hoodies, "What do I do? I can't wear a hoodie later." I told myself then the door suddenly opened, "What do we have here? Are you doing a garage sale?" Xavier remarked seeing my clothes all over the bed, "Yes! You're here. I don't have anything to wear for later." I told him and he grinned widely, "Why are you so worked up for a non-date?" he asked, "I just want to look good." I replied, "Okay-okay. I'll help. Let me see the clothes you have." he went over to my bed, "Hmm... For a yeti, you have an abundance of hoodies and sweaters. I thought you don't get cold." he turned to me, "I don't but the town near our home, only sells hoodies and sweaters." I told him, Xavier pondered for a bit, "How about I lent you some of mine?" he suggested, "Really?" I asked, "Yeah, I'm just a tad bit taller but we're almost the same build when you're in your human form." he walked over to his cabinet and took out a black blazer jacket and a red polo. 

"Here. Try this on." he handed me the clothes and I tried it on, I checked myself on the mirror then turned to Xavier, "Looks good. It suits you much better than me." he gestured an okay sign.

It was already 6 pm and our agreed upon meeting time was 7 pm. I tidied up my clothes one last time before leaving the Monstera Hall, "Good luck!" I heard Xavier shout as I closed the door. 

I went straight to the quad which where we agreed to meet and she wasn't there yet when I stepped inside, maybe because I was almost an hour early. I sat in one of the benches and fiddled with my phone to waste some time and exactly at 7 pm, I heard, "Gunvald, you're here already? Did I made you wait?" I looked up and saw her walking towards me and I almost dropped my phone. 

Enid looked so beautiful at that moment that my heart was doing cartwheels inside my chest, she was wearing a pink sweater-like dress that reached just above her knees, her hair was in braided at one side of her head, and her blue eyes was shining brightly. 

I was so captivated by her that I forgot to say anything, "I... Uh... You looked beautiful, Enid." I stuttered, "Thanks. You looked good as well." she replied, "It's Xavier's." I uttered, "Looks better on you." she told me and I felt my cheeks heat up, "S-shall we go?" I asked, "Let's go." she linked her arm up with mine and I almost fainted with the sudden skin ship.

I managed to hold myself together as we left Nevermore Academy. We reached the town at around 7:30 pm, "Where are we having our dinner?" I asked, "Just follow me." she told me, her arm was still linked with mine as she pulled me around the town until we got in front of a huge establishment, "We're here." she said, "Woah! Is this what you call fancy restaurant?" I asked, "You can say that. This is the only place in Jericho that you can call fancy." she told me as she pulled me inside, we were directed to our seats, and was handed the menu.

"What the! How can food be this expensive?" I told Enid and she just smiled at me, "Don't worry about that. Just order what you like. It's my treat after all.", "But...", "No buts.", "Alright." I said as she called for a waiter, I order a pasta dish, a meat dish, and dessert, I just pointed at them at the menu since their names were hard to pronounce.

- - - - -

The meal was extremely good, calling it fancy was an understatement, and it was expensive for a reason. 

Me and Enid continued talking after we finished our meal. "Confess to her." I heard Xavier telling me in my head, "Uh... Enid?" I called her, "Yeah?" she replied, "Uhm... T-there is something I want to tell you." I said and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "I... I..." the words were stuck in my throat.

I took a deep breath and gathered all the courage I can muster, "I lik-" I was cut off by her phone ringing, "I'm sorry." she said taking out her phone from her bag, "It's okay. Take it, it might be important." I replied then my phone started buzzing inside my pocket, I pulled my phone out and it was Xavier. 

"Who's that?" Enid asked, "Xavier. Yours?" I responded, "Bianca." she said and we both pressed answer, "Hello?" I answered and I was met by a very frantic voice, "Gun! Get back here now!", "Huh?" I was confused and I saw Enid making the same face as me. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, "He's here! THEY'RE HERE!" he exclaimed and my heart dropped to my stomach, Enid looked at me with worry and fear in her eyes. 

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