Chapter 7. Arlam Village

Start from the beginning

Subaru wasn't running like he used to, he was using his air shoes as he was skating, and started boosting as it looked like he was hovering from the ground a bit. Bouncing off of trees to gain more momentum, Subaru charged out of an opening and landed in the opening of the village.

And he didn't fail on the landing either, he looked quite badass if anything. As he looked around, he realized that not that much people really lived here. The villagers looked at him with curious looks while some of the children hid behind their parents. Subaru noticed their apprehension and proceeded to act professional, after all, he is a G.U.N agent.

"Hey there! This is Arlam Village right?"

Subaru asked as one of the adults nodded their heads.

"Ah! Good, I'm in the right place! I mean no harm, I swear. My name is Natsuki Subaru, I'm the new guard hired by Roswaal L. Mathers, I just came here to get a look around the domain and all. So it's nice to meet you guys!"

Subaru stated as he smiled at the villagers. Some of the adults went up to him to greet him back. However, a little girl ran up to him. She had blue eyes and reddish, brown hair while wearing a red bow got the upper hand by approaching him first.

"Hey mister! It's nice to meet you! My name is Petra!"

"Petra huh? That's a pretty nice name kid."

Subaru stated as he patted her.

'This girl reminds me a bit of Cream.'

Subaru thought to himself as he looked at the rest of the kids.

"So...I take it that those boys glaring at me from the side are your friends huh?"

Meanwhile, at the mansion. It was already high noon, already lunchtime for the residents. And Subaru had not come back yet. Emilia had kept to herself, not talking to anyone but Puck and Zarestia, seeing how she was still annoyed at Rem and Ram for the shit they pulled.

So when the G.U.N Agent had yet to show himself, she couldn't help but worry if he was alright.

"He said he was going to the village, why would it take him so long to come back...?"

Emilia muttered to herself in particular.

Zarestia sat next to her with her arms crossed, after all, she knew her contractor was safe. He was probably fooling around with the village children.

"U-Um, Emilia-sama, Rem can go check on him if you want."

The blue maid suggested.

"I have to go to the village to restock the pantry anyways. A-And I swear, I won't do anything!"

Rem stated as she remembered Subaru's words and not to long ago, Zarestia's words as well. If Subaru wanted to, he would have already killed her by now, if he really meant any harm to the mansion, going off of what he displayed during breakfast the day prior, she couldn't help but sweat a bit from the memory. How could someone so carefree and serious at once like Subaru, be that powerful? Not to mention, he quite literally brushed off the Witch of Envy as if it was just another Tuesday for him.

She really couldn't tell if he was just overly confident or arrogant. Even if he could back it up.

'He's an odd man...but he's at least sincere in wanting to help others...'

The maid thought to herself as Emilia stared at her.

"I appreciate your concern...but I'm sure he-!"

"Why not give her a chance, Lia?"

The voice of Puck made his presence known as the feline manifested on her shoulder.


"You did promise Subaru before he went out earlier that you would try to get along with them. Or at the very least, tolerate them. If Subaru can do it, then why can't you? But then again, it is your decision."

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