Part 5

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Gabriella's POV -
Jack and the boys have been over every single night after training this week. They finally have a week off to rest as they have no game this week. It was around 7 pm and I had just finished cleaning up from dinner. I cooked everyone some lasagna. My mum called me last night to check in and say that she's doing good, and having fun. "Movie night?"Josh comes in grabbing out some snacks and pouring them into a bowl. "I'll stay for one movie and then I'm heading to bed. I'm tired."I say. He smiled knowing that i would watch more. I went and got changed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth. Once I got downstairs I sat next to Patrick on the couch. Jack stared us down and it wasn't a nice stare either. I shrugged my shoulders and turned my attention back to the tv. Patrick rested his arm around me as we watched the movie and I could tell Jack was paying attention pretty much the whole movie. "I'm going to head to bed."I say to the boys as the movie credits start playing. "Goodnight baby sis."Nick says munching on a big handful of popcorn.

I pulled my bed sheets back and when I turned around Jack was standing there with a cup in his hand: I roll my eyes, "what do you want?"I ask. "Thought it was pretty obvious by now."he said with a smirk. He was leaning over me so I was pushed up against the bed. "I'm not having sex with you Ginnivan."he laughed. "Sex? That's not what I want.", "yeah sure you don't.""Josh told me to give you this" he handed me a cup of what seemed to be like hot chocolate. I shoved him off me and went to grab the cup out of his hand. I sat down and took a sip. I sigh as he sits beside me. "Enjoying the week off?"I ask him. "Would hardly call it that. I've still be training every morning for an hour or so with a few of the boys.", "so what's going on with you and Lippa?"Jack asks. I scrunch my face up. "Why?". "Because I want to take you out."a surprised expression appears on my face. "well nothing is going on.. he's a nice boy though."I say taking another sip of my hot drink. "come to dinner with me tomorrow night. it'll be casual and if you don't enjoy it, I'll back off."he suggests. i could see from his little puppy dog eyes that he wasn't planning on backing down. "whatever. I'll meet you there at 7.", "no. I'll be picking you up. Be ready by 6.30"I roll my eyes. he kisses my cheek and before I have a chance to question it, he takes the empty cup out of my hand and he's gone. I lay down stuck in my own thoughts. I couldn't possibly date him. He's friends with Josh and Nick, we couldn't.

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