
"Gelatin, you sly bitch," she snapped as she called Gelatin on the phone.

"Leafster, you need the rest, literally everyone is talking about how hard you're working and I just don't think it's good for you,"

"But it distracts me, I don't want to have nothing to do,"

"You can take care of yourself and get some sleep, I can tell you haven't been doing that lately,"

"You motherfucker, I'll -"

"Get some rest, see ya, bye bye," Gelatin sang as he ended the call.

Leafy grumbled as she sank into her couch and placed her hand on the side of her head, she felt a headache coming.


And so her time of "rest" began.

And she hated it.

How the hell did Gelatin think he knew what was best for her? She worked to stop having to confront the pain she would have to face one day.

It was Saturday evening and she was enjoying a peaceful dinner with Grove, he wasn't as chatty as usual but he was still telling her about random things that came to his little mind.

She smiled at him as he kicked his legs and ate the dinner she made but she knew he wasn't totally happy.

He was sad ever since Firey left but since he was still young he didn't understand what was going on, he was just a bit down but he'd be fine in about a week when it would all just be like a bad, hazy memory.

Deep down, she was glad that he was so young and didn't get the concept of "parents" yet.

And she was glad that Firey hadn't figured this out sooner, it just made it hurt a little bit less.

Maybe it hurt him a little less too but she doubted that, news like this wouldn't just settle easily.

Where was he right now?

She thought of everywhere he might be, everything he might be doing.

She felt saddened that none of it involved her.

What if they had just spoken like normal people instead of immediately fighting? Could they have had a life together?

A life with their child?

From what she had seen, he would have been a good dad, he was fun, he cared about Grove but also knew when to put his foot down.

What could have been if she had just taken a moment to breathe?

She sighed as she picked up her plate and Grove's to wash them.

She felt tired and it was nearing Grove's bedtime, after taking him to the bathroom and helping him brush his teeth and then carried him up the stairs.

She sat beside him after she tucked him in and gently stroked his head.

"Mama, when is Firey coming back?" he yawned.

Leafy paused for a moment, looking at his bright, innocent eyes.

"Firey isn't coming back, baby, he's gone," she sighed.

"Will he still get me from school?" he asked as he stared at him mother.

"No, I don't know if we'll see him again, I don't know where he is," she explained.

"Oh," he said sadly.

"I'd like to see him again,"

"Me too, Grovey,"

Grove mumbled about playgrounds and trains as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Leafy caught a glance at his eyes just before they closed, the flecks of orange and yellow stood out strongly in the glow of his night-light, she gently caressed his face as she gazed at her son.

He looked so similar to him, especially the eyes but right now he was quite clearly Firey's son.

Although Grove looked more like Leafy there were moments when he looked like Firey and he also acted like him.

Firey was a lot more relaxed than Leafy was, he was a lot less confrontational and preferred to avoid fights and hide from them, he was able to control his temper whereas Leafy easily flared.

"I think you got the best of both of us," she smiled.

She kissed his goodnight and quietly left the room.

She walked into her own bedroom and lay in her bed, it felt bigger and colder than she remembered it before Firey came back.

She placed her hand where Firey would sleep and took his pillow.

It still smelled like him.

She rolled into her back and glared at the ceiling, everything was so big, so dark and so confusing, why couldnt they just be simple?

Grove would be at school from Monday to Friday, this was how it would be while she was here, lonely.

She groaned as she figured out that this would be a long, quiet night followed by a long, boring week.

She pulled the sheets over her head to block out the life around her and hide away for a while.


There was no one on the street.

Aside from a tall person who wore an expensive looking suit.

"Well well well Nickel, it appears that we've had a bit of a change of plans,"

They let out a small, sinister chuckle as they walked away from the apartment complex, typing something onto a phone.

"But it's like I always say, isn't it?"

"Good things come to those who wait,"


All I want is to be left alone, within my average home. But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.

I always feel like, sombody's watching me.

I hated writing this chapter, I just wanna get to the good stuff but noooo, a thing called build up exists and unfortunately that makes stories better.

I hope you enjoyed that chapter.


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