Bio of Genki

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Here's the detail about Genki...

Akane Genki (character)

Akane Genki (character)

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Alias: None

Type: Hero

Ultra: Ultraman Ribut

Transformation Item: G-Flashers

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Family: Unnamed Parents, Akane Hitomi (older sister)

Homeworld: Planet Earth (World of New Earth)

Occupation: High School Student

Affliation: None


Genki is a young man with slight reddish brown short hair and red-orange eyes.

His casual attires are consist of black-white-red hoodie jacket with black shirt inside, long white-black pants, a chibi Ultraman keychain from his pocket, and a pair of red shoes.

Genki have a pair of bracelets known as G-Flash, but the bracelets remain hidden when not needed.


Genki is an easy going and straightforward person, able to interact others quite easy. He has his own belief in things, and never take things lightly if it is a huge matter.

He somewhat careless sometimes and making mistake as he view every mistake he make always allow him to learn new things. But he can be overconfident and slightly arrogant with his own skill.

Genki is very curious person, like to explore like his parents, and prefer a lot more of the outdoors. He like to explore any place, even a tough place that people hardly reach. This can refer that Genki is someone who like challenge and face through it with his own strength.


Genki is son of a pair of archaeologists and have an older sister named Hitomi. He followed his parents during their travel across the world, searching for artifacts or even archaeological sites. He able to learn many things because travelling around the world.

He gain many experience throughout the journey across the world with his parents. When Hitomi is old enough, she stayed at Japan and become a junior model before Genki stay with her when he enrolled at high school.

While his parents continue their work as archaeologists, Genki stayed with Hitomi at Japan to continue on his normal life. But while staying in his new life, Genki will learn more hidden truth of himself and world.

Power & Abilities

For unknown reason, Genki is born with superhuman abilities which give him the fest above normal human. Genki himself do not know why he can become an Ultraman.

Transformation - Using the G-Flashers, he can transform into his Ultra form. However, he can only maintain that form for three minutes. Afterward, he cannot transform again for eight hours.

Superhuman Ability - Upon awaken his hidden ability, Genki able to perform a feat that no normal human can do.

Immune System - He have strong immune system that can prevent him from any kind of diseases or infection.

Energy Absorbation - For unknown reason, as Ribut, he can absorb electrical based energy to replenish himself aside using the energy from sunlight.


Martial Artist - Genki is a martial artist, able to get black belt in karate through hardwork. He also learn other kind of martial arts in basic level such as kendo, kung fu, capoeira, silat, etc.

Multilingual - Travelling the world along with his parents in their archeological works, Genki learn various language, capable of both understanding and speaking different kind of language.


• Genki hold many secrets that even he don't know, even have no explanation on how and why he can turn into Ultraman.

• In this universe, the Ultra series did not expand through international line. In fact, Ribut does not exist in Ultra series in this world, so he practically a new kind of Ultraman.

• His transformation interval is reference to Ultraman Geed, but Ribut have less recharge time. 

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