the lion and the king

Start from the beginning

The problem was that Cersei never learnt her lesson.

"Lady Crakehall,", she said with a raised chin -looked like a peacock. "I have the fabrics his grace the king had gifted me.", she said with a smug face -as if Elia was supposed to feel jealous, instead of that, she stood in front of the door with a poker face. Cersei took one of the orange silks -ones that Elia preferred and threw it to the floor. "I will not wear these. It is not worthy of me. I have to have the best of everything -fit to the queens.", she sent a mocking look to the ladies around her. "Not to the lower class."

Elia entered the room, the ladies all stood up to curtsy her and even Cersei made one -though it was more respectable if she didn't. "Take this away.", she said with a solemn tone and a serious expression. She had yet another headache, Ashara and Catelyn behind her were sending judging looks. "Take everything that is not suitable to the royal family out of my path.", she ordered and the ladies turned to look at each other while Cersei openly gaped.

This was the first time one of her comments almost sounded like an open insult.

One of the ladies actually dared to put a hand on Cersei but she pushed her with a disgusted look. Instead, she walked down and stood right in front of Elia. "Of course that anything that does not fit to the king's court will leave.", she raised her chin with a toothy smile. "Dornish scums first."

Elia nodded to herself and turned her head to send a look to Ashara. "You forget that Dorne is another kingdom just like this one and I came from royalty.", she sighed. "The next time you speak to me like this I will have your tongue for it.", she declared while the people gasped and Cersei took a step back. "Not even the king can protect you then."


"You wished to speak with me, my lord?", Atera climbed all the steps to the Tower of the Hand to finally reach to Lord Lannister's audience chambers.

She had no idea what was going on.

They had arrived in the capital a few days ago with a big entourage that got supported by many Reacher Lords and a lot of whispers. Alerie and Mace of course were there as the Lord and the Lady of the Highgarden but only Doric and Atera chose to accompany them out of all the Hightower clan -and Baelor and Garth. Malora didn't even bother herself with making up excuses while the latter simply stated they wanted to stay with their father and Arvel was not welcome in the rest of the realm alongside with his wife. Gerold returned back to his duties -after cursing very loudly to the news, Arthur and Oswell followed their Lord Commander and the prince. Arwyn -and Arys, excused themselves using the death of Amelia.

Atera's betrothed, Lord Celtigar, was going with them -and the Velaryons, Vortimer and Lords Ashford, Fossoway, Tarly and a lot of others. Everywhere from the realm, lords had been coming personally or sending envoys.

Princess Lorenza and Lord Aethan's absence was abnormally clear and was taken as an insult -caused people to act more boldly in Elia's presence, abusing her good intentions, and thinking she had no power any longer. She was a Dornish 'princess' who gave birth only to a daughter and her husband seemed to thrive everywhere but near her. Cersei Lannister was younger, richer, more beautiful and now she was going to be the queen.

Elia had been slighted more than usual in this last past few days and Rhaegar's cold demeanour in general did not help to ease the rumours. She couldn't help but think some others wrote those letters. Her husband could not be that man. Every time her hopes rose and she started to become sure of what she felt, Rhaegar was doing one move and crushing all of it.

But thanks to Atera's arrival, she was not the favourite gossip topic any longer. She had it a lot worse than her. 'Kinslayer' and 'murderer' were the ones that got whispered the most and Elia could sense the vibe around her.

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