Chapter 16: The Black Lake

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"Come on, you bloody blokes!" Ascellas fist banged on her dormitory door in frustration, knuckles reddening from the repeated action she had done for the last hour.

"You're not wanted here, filthy blood traitor," Pansy Parkinson sneered as she exited her neighboring dorm, crueling glaring at the elder girl. "You're disturbing the entire dormitory with that ruckus,"

The dark brunnette sarcastically smiled at the girl, "My apologies, was I disrupting your daydream of Malfoy wanting you?" The girl to flustered and agitated to filter her words.

Pansy pug nose stuck up in the air as her chubby round face turned an ugly crimson, "Watch that tongue of yours, or it might just vanish one morning," she threatened harshly.

"I have more pressing matters than your horrendous hexing skills," Ascella sent one more harsh smack of her fist into the door, "Godric sakes, I'm going to Snape-" then the door finally opened, greeted by Matildas venomous slitted eyes.

"In a rush somewhere?" She inspected her freshly painted nails, leaning against the door frame.

Ascella shoved past the girl, stopping in her tracks as she saw her trunk open and barren of any of her apparel. The girls expected Ascella to burst or begin to scream furiously. Instead, she calmly inhaled a slow breath, tilting her her chin up. "Where are there?" She asked, eyes flickering between Ryland and Harper.

She caught Harper's murky green eyes, watching as they shifted over to the bathroom. The dark brunnette softly blinked as she directed herself to the connected lavatory. The giggles of Ryland and Matilda faded as they left the dorm.

Her clothes were piled in the bathtub sopping wet, the brunnette grasping one of the shirts from the top. With a defeated sigh, she dropped the item back down. She had only five minutes before Randolv was expecting her. She sighed, grasping her wand from the waistband of her skirt. Ascella rose her wand, silently casting a spell in hopes the clothes would dry. Not to her surprise, the clothes were hexxed to stay wet.

"Why do you hang out with Fred and George?" Harper's voice was soft. She looked fragile and small in the arched doorway. Her hands fidgeting together, ashy hair falling into her thinning face.

Ascella surprised by the girls presence and question, lips pursing as she stared at her roommate. "They almost make me feel like myself again,"

Harper gaze casted down, expression and thoughts unreadable to Ascella. The girl than turned around, the dark brunnette assuming she left to follow after Matilda and Ryland. Yet, after a moment, she returned with a set of clothes in hand. "Uh, don't tell the others," she set the items on the sink vanity.

Ascella speechless, mutely nodding in agreement. Watching Harper scuttle away, as if worried she'd change her own mind the longer she lingered.


Her fingers fidgeted with the off the shoulder sleeve of the sweater, feeling partially self-conscious of her appearance. Randolv greeted her outside of her common room. The dirty blonde's curls were bouncy and combed, green eyes popping out with a vibrancy. "You look lovely," he complimented the girl, offering his arm out to her for her to take like a proper gentleman.

Ascella blushed, "You only say that so I don't hex you for taking my book," dark hues anxiously darting around the dim corridor of the dungeons.

"Just take the compliment, little raven," he pulled her closer to his side as he escorted her. "Now this is where you compliment me?" He cheekily smirked down at her.

Ascella arched her brow up, giving him an incredulous look before caving to his request. "Oh my, you are so dashing and handsome, my darling," words thick with sarcasm as she fakely girlishly swooned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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