Chapter 7: Quidditch

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Ascella dark eyes flickered along the ink words printed on the worn the pages of a muggle novel

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Ascella dark eyes flickered along the ink words printed on the worn the pages of a muggle novel. Dark strands pinned back in a messy low pony, loose strands falling into her face. Elbows digging into the surface of the table, joints aching from holding her upper weight.

The teenager growing irritated as the Gryffindor table loudly fooled around, chanting and cheering for the upcoming quidditch match. Glancing up, eyeing Fred Weasley who kicked back atop of his house table, raising a goblet with his brother into the air. Their eyes interlocked for a brief second, the girl quickly looking back down at her book.

Luna wisty eyes stared into the side of her face, pentrating gaze making the older sisters skin prickle. "You're creeping me out, Lu" she mumbled lowly, eyes remaining on her book, but unable to comprehend the words she was reading.

"You're blushing" Luna bluntly noted, turning her gaze back down to the old edition of the quibbler in her hands.

Ascella scoffed with disbelief, "Am not" she denied. Snapping her book shut as she swiveled to the side, facing her younger sister. "Just irritated with the noise" she excused, "can't even hear my own thoughts"

Luna shrugged her shoulders, "It's no different than previous quidditch days" she closed her Quibbler, shoving it aside with disinterest. "We should go to the game, the storm will keep the threstrals away"

Ascella scrunching her nose, "Definitely not" she waved her hand in dismissal. A loud thump made her jump her surprise, gasping as she turned back around sharply.

Fred Weasley sat atop the table, peering down at her with an ear to ear grin. "Relax, Jumps. It's only me" he patted his chest in a proud like gesture, before leaning forward. His face a bit to close for her liking, neck becoming blotchy as her ears turned a shade pink. "Coming to the game today?" He asked, brown eyes filled with hope.

Luna leaned over, head nudging in the space between the two. "You make her blush" the odd girl stated, making Ascella nudge her arm in embarrassment.

"He does not" Ascella fumed, cheeks overwhelming hot. "Irritate me, sure" her cheeks puffed as she gave the cocky gryffindor a pointed look. "Sitting in horrid weather to watch a mindless sport of violence, does not appeal to my interest" she haughtly muttered in reply to his question.

"And being cooped inside reading boring novels, does interest you?" He sarcastically smirked, lifting her book up and tauntingly swinging it by the corner. "I'll make a goal for yoooouuu" he tried to charm her.

Ascella yanked her book back, clutching it to her chest "You're a beater, you don't make goals" she retorted, coming to a stand from the table, her chin tilted upward in defiance. "And books are interesting" she turned on her heel.

Not expecting Fred to swing over the table, jumping directly in front of her. "You know my position?" He asked with a sly grin.

Ascella groaned, pushing past him as she shoved his shoulder with her own. "Don't flatter yourself, I used to be apart of the school paper in third year because Garret Murdock caught spattergout. I was required to know for the sport articles" she answered snippily, her strides long but not long enough to escape Fred Weasley. "Also it's not hard to pick up on, since you brag it around on the top of your lungs" she glared at him.

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