Chapter 13: Tri-Wizard Tournament

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Ascella's chin rested in her palm, staring out at the platform as her heel tapped on the carpeted floor of the compartment. Dark hues dart between the crowds of people waving their farewells. "Stop worrying" Luna's high-pitched voice broke away her attention.

The teenager shifted her gaze to her younger sister, sucking in a breath as she straightened her posture. "He's been off since the World Cup, I know you've noticed" she spoke lowly and hushed, keeping open ears from being able to invade.

Luna's misty eyes looked over at the closed door, students passing by trying to find open compartments. "You know they can't hear us, not that they're unable, but more so they choose not to. We've got no importance to them" her head tilted as she wondrously stared at the peers passing.

Ascella's brows pinched, glancing at the glass door, "The matters I bring up should be spoken carefully, Lu" she lectured the girl sharply, "The World Cup is the first strike from the Death Eaters since 1980"

Luna blinked unfazed, with large eyes similar to insects as she turned her head slowly. "Mum used to say not to worry about things out of our control" causing Ascella to pale. "Oh, there's dad" The older girl turned her head back out her window, Xeno's towering height and platinum hair making him easy to spot. His hands raised, waving them slowly as if in a dance. "See he's fine" Luna then stood at the window, lowering the glass.

"Bye my little star and moon!" His voice barely broke through over the others. Ascella exhaled deeply out of her nose, forcing a smile on her lips as she offered a small wave.

The train began to rumble, slowly moving forward and away from the platform. Ascella slid the window up, as Luna lowered away from it and sat back down.

The door suddenly slid open, a pair of girls' loud giggles halting instantly. Luna merrily smiled, lips carving upward nearly like a Cheshire cat. "Hello, Cho and Marrietta" she greeted as her eyes looked elsewhere. "Oh my, a nest of nargles" she squeaked.

Ascella's cheeks flushed a light shade of pink in embarrassment at the awkward silence that followed. The whistle of the train and the rumble of the engine cut through the weird silence. The dark brunette offered a crooked forced grin, "There's plenty of space" she mumbled, "if you don't mind the nargles"

The two girls looked at each other unsurely, with obvious discomfort and judgment on their faces. Whispering hushedly between each other until Cho, "the...nargles? They won't hurt us right?" Marietta warily looked around, frizzy curls falling into her smooth clear face.

Ascella arched her brow, "Do we look to be in imminent danger?" Her tone dripped with sarcasm, unable to hold it back. Silence passed once more, increasingly more awkward than the last. "They're harmless, just pesky thieves" she sighed much softer, watching the Ravenclaws visibly relax.

The two pretty girls took a seat after evident hesitation, clutching their bags closely. The train cart holding obvious discomfort as all four girls stayed in silence.

"How was your summer, Loone- Luna?" Cho quickly covered up the nickname as she felt Ascella's darkened stare.

The young girl seemed to not notice the slip-up, eyes glinting in a happy shine. "I befriended Imps, they kept tripping me, they are lovely creatures. I even brought one home, but El got upset when it drenched her books in syrup" Ascella scowled in remembrance of the pesty creature, still smelling hints of the maple scent on her books.

Cho responded with an odd expression, "um, that sounds nice?" Voice nearly softer than Luna's.

Mairrette then nudged the Asian beauty, "Cho here has been writing to Cedric all summer, love notes are what I call them" the girl gushed, squealing girlishly. Cho's face reddened as she tried to contain her bashful smile.

Ascella// F. Weasley जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें