Losing the bet

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"What are we hiding from Moore?" Her head slowly turns to the side and I have to control myself from leaning in any closer as I come face to face, nose to nose with the girl I can't get enough of. She's the first thing I think of as my eyes open in the morning and the last thing I dream before I wake. And now she's so close. "You"
"Cause I won the bet?" I smirk smugly, rising back to my full height as does she.

"Technically you didn't win the game but rather your teammates so I think our bet is null and void on that basis" her smart ass reply does nothing but amuse me.
"Nice try Moore but as I'm apart of that team, I also won. So I'll be seeing your pretty ass tomorrow, at the ball, as my date" worry paints her face for a brief moment before she hides her real feelings once more. She does that a lot, hide.

"As your friend" she corrects me. "I'll be there as your friend"
"It may be a platonic date but it's a date never the less, Moore" I tease her with a smile that always seems to come easily when Iris is around.
"You're insufferable" she tells me.
"And you're irresistible. I guess it's as they say 'opposites attract' " she rolls her warm brown eyes and I let my eyes drift from hers to study her face. The dark eyelashes blinking consistently are the same colour as the neatly drawn 9 on her otherwise pale skin.

When I first caught sight of her in the bleachers my heart tried to jump out of my chest and into her hands, it's rightful owner. Because fuck me my girl looked perfect with my number drawn onto her pretty cheek. And I hope to god it warned any guys that wanted a chance with her off, cause I don't share.

"The only thing you're attracting is tears to my eyes because you stink" Iris' nose scrunches in disgust and I know I should be offended, at least I would be if I was able to think logically when she is around but I can't. So instead I laugh, a guttural sound that I can't control as it tumbles out of my lips. I'm quick to sober up as I find iris' face again and she stares up at me, eyes wide with..curiosity? Suddenly feeling self conscious of my laugh I clear my throat, scratching the back of my neck as I divert my eyes away from her.

"I'm gonna take a shower I'll see you later Moore" glancing back one last time I see the girls teasing Iris before my sight is blocked by the inside of the locker rooms.
"Jones get over here!" One of my teammates shouts me over to the circle they've created in the middle of the locker room. Music is blaring from a speaker I don't remember seeing earlier but I don't bother to question that as I jog over to my winning team.

Malcolm is in the middle of the circle busting out dance moves I've never seen before. Everyone cheers him on, whistling and rapping along to the music until he exits the middle and Jake is shoved in. My friend hesitates for a second, hiding his head in his hands before he shocks us all and starts pulling out the sickest moves I've ever seen. How has he been hiding this talent from me and everyone else apparently-based on their reactions.

It's not long before I'm pushed in but I don't move for long before everyone is jumping around me in glorious celebration. The vibes are immaculate even as we all eventually separate to take showers and get changed.
"What's got you grinning all creepy and shit Jones?" Jake gains mine and our other two friends attention with his question.
"Can't I be happy cause we won?"
"Nah that ain't a normal smile that's the smile you only get when Iris is involved" Aidan says.
"Fine we made a bet and i won it" and I couldn't be fucking happier.

"what did you bet?" Malcolm turns to me, curiosity barely concealed in his features.
"She going to be my date to the ball tomorrow" I witness each boys face explode with the same emotions; confusion and disbelief.
"As a friend" I clarify and frown watching them all nod to themselves in understanding.
"That makes more sense" ignoring the sting Malcolm's words hit me with I grab my stuff and turn toward the showers.

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