Chapter 20- Leo

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Leo's POV

I can't begin to express how happy I was when I woke up. 

Annabeth was there and so was Calypso. She was sleeping so peacefully I almost didn't want to wake her. Almost.

I started a fire on my hand and watched as Calypso woke up in a panic.

"Smoke I-" She stopped when she spotted the source of the fire. Aka me. "Leo?!"

"Yep. I'm back." Calypso jumped forward and hugged me. I let her tears soak my shoulder.

"I thought I lost you." Calypso sobbed.

"You didn't. I'll always, and I mean always come back. I promise." I assured her.

"You better," she said in a tone that made it obvious that if I didn't she would be my death.

The door opened again as me and Calypso broke apart, with Piper barging in.

"Hey, Pipes," I said smirking as she took a minute to register.

"Leo?" She asked quietly.

I nodded.

The rest of the reunion went the same as the others. Then so did the the ones with the rest of our group. The year-filled reunions almost made me forget Percy was gone. Hey, I did say almost, didn't I?

Once I met up with my last friend and we were all in the small room, I couldn't help but think about how little I had connecting me to camp. All I had was the Argo II crew, which was one member short now, and Calypso.

"Leo," Calypso asked."Is everything okay?" 

"Huh? Oh uh- yeah I'm fine." I lied looking up at everyone.

Six, I counted.

Six people that's all I have.

I looked down and tried hard not to think about my lack of family. I tried not to think about my mom and the fire. I tried not to think about how Percy looked lying there, unmoving. I tried, but I failed.

I felt a hand place itself on my shoulder and I looked up unto Annabeth's grey eyes that never held the same light they used to.

"What's really wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing!" I insisted again.

"Leo. What is it?"

"It's just- I-' I sighed. I wanted to lie, I really did but I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to lie to the six people I actually care about. "I don't know I was just thinking, theres only 7 people in this room. How depressing is it that out of all the demigods and mortals out there I have a whole whopping six that care about me."

"Leo..." Annabeth said draing my name out. 

Piper stepped towards me. "Leo listen to me. There may only be a few of us but that just means we're your true friends. Would we be here if we weren't? And you have so many more people that care about you. Your mom for example. Or Percy."

I looked at her. My mom and Percy were both gone but... She did have a point. I'd rather have six friends who care about as much as these friends do then have 1,000 fake friends that never have my back. 

I nodded. "I guess."

"We'll always be here for you." Jason said Putting an arm on my shoulder. 'No how about some dinner. I'm hungary."

I stood up and we all left the room laughing. 

"You're always hungary," Piper chimed in as we made our way to the pavilion.

Standing here side-by-side with my friends, I knew Piper was right. I couldn't ask for anything more. This was perfect.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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