Chapter 3- Leo

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Leo's POV

Me and the rest of the 7 --minus Percy and Annabeth-- were looking for Annabeth and Percy, when we all heard a scream that sounded like Annabeth. It was hard to make out but it almost sound like she shouted--

No. He's ok; so is Annabeth they always are.

Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper and I all ran full speed toward the sound. I was the first to arrive. The scene I saw would huant me for the rest of my life.

I saw Annabeth kneeling in a pool of blood, with Percys head in her lap. She was stroking his head and..... was she crying?

Annabeths dagger was tossed aside covered in blood.

I stopped and just covered my mouth to keep from gasping. Percy didn't look like he was breathing. He had to be okay though right? I mean he's fricking Percy Jackson. He's saved Olympus. He's like a legend.

The others came up behind me. Hazel started crying into Frank's arms who also had tears on his face. Jason was holding Piper both of which crying. Leo realized he had to do something.

"Guys quick, apply pressure and get water. We can get--" I started.

"Leo." Annabeth tried but I ignored her.

"We need to get to the Argo--"

"Leo!" Annabeth cry-shouted, "Leo, he's gone."

"No, there has to be something--"

"Leo there's not I already tried." She went back to stroking his head and crying.

Piper came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't accept it; there had to be something we could do. 

I turned to look at Piper. Seeing her tear stained face made the tears I had been holding back break through. I know suprising right? Leo the awesome never cries but Percy was our glue. I tried so hard to be mad at him for abandoning Calypso but he was a stand up guy. He always put the crew before himself. Loality. His fatal flaw. 

Piper pulled me into a hug. I thought about all the people I had lost. 

I thought about Calypso. I thought about Percy. I thought about my mom. 

I thought about how brave the others were. 

I thought about how Percy made me feel like a part of the team not just the seventh wheel.

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