Chapter 9- Frank

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Frank's POV

When Leo ran by my room and I heard voices on deck, I went up the hall onto the deck. I saw Annabeth with a couple who both had tear-stained faces. Annabeth was just looking down. I realized the couple must be Percy's parents. Sally and Paul I remembered. 

Sally was sniffling, trying not to cry, and Paul was looking around at the Argo II.

Annabeth looked up and noticed me in the doorway, "Hey Frank."  

"Hey," I looked at Paul and Sally. "I'm uh- I'm Frank."

Sally attempted a smile. "I'm Sally, this is Paul we're P- his parents." 

I noticed how she choked on the name like we all did. We all bowed our heads no doubt thinking about Percy.

I heard footsteps and turned to see Hazel go pale as she noticed the three figures behind me. She suddenly looked like she was trying not to cry.

Forgetting about Sally and Paul I walked over to her and wrapped her in a bear hug. I could feel her silent tear slip out as she tried to hide them.

Annabeth cleared her throat to remind me and Hazel we weren't alone. I pulled away and looked at Hazel's tear-stained face silently asking if she was ok.

"I'm okay," she assured me.

I turned back to the others.

"I'm Hazel, Percy's-" Hazel paused looking ready to cry again but she held herself together as I dropped my arm around her. "Percy's friend."

"Annabeth told us about all of you." Sally gave a small smile, "I'm guessing the first not we met was Leo?"

Annabeth nodded, "Your pretty good a guessing."

Jason came dashing up the steps.

"What's going on? Leo just ran by my room-" He stopped when he noticed Sally and Paul. "Oh."

"Just after everyone in the dining hall, I'll explain. Until then I'm going to show Sally and Paul around." Annabeth told everyone seeming sorta like her usual self again, except more gloomy.

Everyone nodded and Annabeth asked if someone could help her show Sally and Paul around--probably hoping to avoid the medbay area.

"I could. I can also get into really small places which helps. I could go back and forth. Help you and see when the others are ready." I offered.

"Ok, thanks, Frank."

I nodded.

So off we went. Annabeth, Sally, and Paul off to go explore above deck, and everyone else downstairs to get Leo and Piper, wh9 was apparently trying to calm Leo down.

I went back and forth between the two groups. Annabeth seemed like she wanted to stay on deck so I turned into a cheetah and ran downstairs to see where they were at. Everyone was headed to the dining table so I zipped back on deck to tell Annabeth.

"They're ready."

Annabeth looked relieved, "Thanks, Frank."


We all say sat down with an extra two plates and seats set at the table. Percy's seat remained empty as it felt wrong to fill his spot so soon.

I noticed Sally and Paul's eyes get misty when they realized who the empty seat was supposed to be for.

"Here," I told them leading them to the extra two seats.

"Thank you, Frank, you seem such a nice gentleman," Sally told me as she sat down. I felt my face get hot.

"Thank you, Mrs. Jackson." I know Percy talked about it a couple of times but I can't remember if she's a Blofis yet, so I just went with Jackson.

"Oh please Sally is fine."

I smiled.

There was a loud bang and some creaking from Festus as the ship lurched.

"Leo what was that?!" Jason demanded.

"I- Festus- something's wrong," Leo mumbled mostly to himself.

"Leo?" I asked concerned, "What's wrong?"

Leo had suddenly gone pale.

"Festus said we're here, but there's a problem."

"What kind of problem?" Asked Annabeth.

Leo sighed, "Festus said he thinks it's just stupid eidolons. Gods I hate those things."

Annabeth had gone pale. She was breathing heavily and seemed to be going through a flashback or something.

"Annabeth?" I asked worried. All eyes turned to her as she collapsed into a chair putting her head in her hands.

I walked up to ask what was wrong and heard her muttering, "No no no no. Please no."

"Annabeth what's wrong?" I asked again hoping she's answer.

Sally went rigid.

"Sally?" Paul asked worried.

Annabeth suddenly looked up. "No. No! Get out!"

Sally smirked, "Aw was our dear Annabeth too stupid to realize the deal only referred to her? You can't get me out."

Annabeth glared daggers at Sally, meanwhile, me, Paul, and the rest of the seven just stood there unable to say anything.

"I won't let you hurt anyone else I care about!" Annabeth shouted.

"Ah glad to see you're still suffering. That my dear was the best part. Or maybe watching as the light-"

"Stop! Please stop." Annabeth said as her hands flew to her ears and she fell to the ground tears streaming down her face.

That's when the pieces all clicked together. Annabeth said she stabbed Percy which I hadn't believed but maybe she did just she wasn't in control. The Eidolon now in Sally had killed Percy; through Annabeth.

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